'13 Reasons Why' Katherine Langford's anti-suicide song found, other song sparks gay comments
Katherine Langford penned song for female in 2013

Netflix series “13 Reasons Why” has been slammed for glamorising suicide, but not many are aware that Perth-based actress and lead actress Katherine Langford has written a song about the deaths of three teenagers in 2013. Langford, 21, was so saddened by the passing of the teenagers, she not only penned down an emotional song titled “Young & Stupid,” she also sang it.
The video of the song “Young & Stupid” sees Langford sitting in what appears to be her room. She plays the piano and sings along. “Influenced by the events of this last week, as well as the tragic deaths of three Perth teenagers in the last few months,” the actress, who played Hannah Baker in the series, wrote on her YouTube channel. The song talks about teenage deaths.
“And I'm here, here I am, hello In the midst of teenage angst, Trying hard to be so much more than we are, it's too far, too far to go....It's fun, it's all for fun until somebody's gone,” she sings, saying that suicide cannot be the solution to teen angst and that its not fun when a death happens. Check out the YouTube song below.
In the Netflix series, Langford's character also experienced problems that many teenagers face. She gets objectified in Liberty High because of her body, sees her friend's boyfriend allowing another man to sexually assualt her, and gets bullied and raped as well. She tries to get help from experts, but it does not stop her from ending her own life.
The Katherine Langford YouTube channel features two more songs, “3 Words” and “I've Got a Crush on Zoe Bosch.” The second in particular has sparked speculations amongst fans that she is singing the song for a female named Zoe. Many of her fans have commented that it may be possible that Langford is a lesbian. “For the lovely Zoe Bosch,” the actress wrote in the introduction.
“Bless up she's gay. any lgbt members out there," says a comment on the song, Others speculate that since Langford's character Hannah kissed Justin, Clay and even Courtney in the series, it is possible that she is a bisexual. However, there are still other Langford fans who believe she must have only written this song for a friend on her birthday. Langford is yet to comment on the rumours. Check out her videos below: