'13 Reasons Why' update: EP Selena Gomez surprised by show's success; find out why

Selena Gomez, executive producer of the hit yet controversial TV adaptation, said she couldn't believe the show's success. She admitted that she was surprised at how “13 Reasons Why” gained enormous popularity among viewers.
The Netflix drama deals with suicide and rape. It tells the story of a teenager who took her own life and left 13 audio tapes explaining why she committed suicide. The TV version is based on the 2007 novel of the same title by Jay Asher.
Gomez said she was stunned at the people’s response to the show. "I'm a little overwhelmed and very surprised. I mean I believed in the project for so long and I understood what the message was. I just wanted it to come across in a way that kids would be frightened, but confused—in a way that they would talk about it because it's something that's happening all the time. So, I'm overwhelmed that's it's doing as well as it's doing," she told E! News during the WE Day event on Thursday.
When asked for the possibility of another season, the singer/actress smirked and said, "Maybe?" Gomez originally wanted to play the lead role herself. She eventually gave the role of Hannah to Australian actress Katherine Langford.
Asher earlier hinted that it is likely to have a season 2 since some characters’ storylines were left open-ended. He also teased that he has no problem writing a continuation of Hannah's and the other characters' storylines. It is interesting to note that Asher’s novel has a different ending, one in which Hannah survives her suicide attempt.
Moreover, the season finale left several cliffhangers. Hannah’s parents filed a lawsuit against the school over her suicide. However, it does not show whether her parents won the case or not. Viewers would also like to know if Bryce (Justin Prentice) will be prosecuted. What is Tyler (Devin Druid) planning to do with his arsenal? What happened to Alex (Miles Heizer) after his suicide attempt? Will Mr. Porter (Derek Luke) be punished as well?
In addition, speculations about season 2 intensified after it was announced that actor Ross Butler will depart “Riverdale” by the end of season 1. Apparently, Butler’s exit is due to commitment to other projects. The news has fueled speculations that Butler is leaving The CW show because his schedule clashed with “13 Reasons Why.” The show "Riverdale" will recast the role of Reggie Mantle, long-time friend and rival of Archie.