iPhone 5S and 5C may have the latest hardware and software technologies against the Galaxy S3, but the former Android flagship smartphone boasts of its almost "futureproof" aspect by beating the two iPhones in an accuracy test.

Samsung Galaxy S3 Wins Accuracy Test

Samsung Galaxy S3 smartphone is an old flagship Android handset from Samsung but wins fair and square against Apple's new iPhone 5S and 5C in an accuracy test defining touch screen response.

An experiment performed by OptoFidelity with scientific basis featured Galaxy S3, iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C dealing the accuracy test of touch screen response. The Finnish company tested the smartphones using Touch Panel Performance Tester and a robotic arm which touched the devices at specific points on their display screens.

Apple's newest iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C performed equally good and bad at the same time but Samsung's Galaxy S3 had almost uniform accuracy performance across the middle area of the screen.

Since none of them are perfect and suffer errors near the screen edges, the virtual keyboard text input gave more points to the Galaxy S3 as it is more accurate resulting to better typing experience.

OptoFidelity Accuracy Challenge

OptoFidelity measure the touch panel performance of iPhone 5S, iPhone 5C and Galaxy S3 in terms of commonly used tasks such as surfing the Internet using a Web browser or opening the camera app.

The measurements revealed that the new iPhones are fast but lacks in touch accuracy which according to them, defines overall user experience.

1. Web Browsing Experience
Measurement was completed when the Web pages have been loaded completely and execution of such measurements were ensured that no background apps were running. This measurement has been repeated 10 times and the average score reports the overall score.
iPhone 5S: 6 points iPhone 5C: 7+ points Galaxy S3: 9 points

2. Camera Application
Camera opening time was the second test and measured the opening latency with WatchDog. Same way of measurement has been applied on the second test - repeated 10 times without any background apps.
iPhone 5S: 0.6 seconds iPhone 5C: 0.6 seconds Galaxy S3: 1.4 seconds

3. Touch Panel Accuracy

OptoFidelity revealed that iPhone's touch performance is extremely bad near the edges and there is also a different offset on the top of the screen compared to the lower part.

a. Letters Q and P on the virtual keys of the iPhones are not very easy to press.

b. Touch accuracy is not constant among letters on the virtual keyboard of the iPhones.

c. Not uniform touch sensors resulted to uneven response on the screen.

OptoFidelity concluded that both iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C are faster compared to Galaxy S3 and recommends 5S for metal fans.

May it be scientific or not, the end user still determines which smartphones are comfortable on their fingers and faster to satisfy performance needs.