The 6-year-old daughter of kidnap victim held for ten years Amanda Berry was happy eating popsicle in a hospital where they were given medical aid, ABC reports.

Although the police has yet to confirm if indeed Ariel Castro was the father of the 6 year old child Jocelyn who escaped from captivity Monday with Amanda Berry, Gina de Jesus and Michelle Knight, Amanda Berry admitted to police that Jocelyn is her daughter.

Cleveland Police Deputy Chief Ed Tomba said that "She looks great, happy, healthy and ate popsicles last night. Seeing her mother smile made her smile."

FBI Special Agent Vicki Anderson told ABC News that the child had lost its front tooth and that amidst the terrible 10 year captivity in the Castros' home, Amanda Berry was able to do her duty as a mother through homeschooling Jocelyn.

The police were also emotional to share with ABC reporter David Muir that based on the interaction that they have seen, the girls develop a unique friendship and that they had look after each other in those ten years that they were held captive. In fact, It was Gina de Jesus who proudly showcased Jocelyn's drawing to the police and everyone visiting them in the room.

Tomba said that their next step in the investigation is to conduct a DNA test to determine who among the three suspects - Ariel Castro, 52, Onil Castro, 50, and Pedro Castro, 54 - is the father of Jocelyn.

Given the situations of Amanda Berry's captivity, the police cannot think of any possibility other than that one of the Castro brothers is the father of the child. "It's a good possibility one of them is..." Tomba said.

Investigators are now looking in the likelihood that Jocelyn was allowed to go out of the house because police were not looking for a missing child and that the suspects' felt safe with her just roaming around the neighborhood.

Amanda Berry now 24 years old, Gina de Jesus now 27 and Michelle Knight now 32 was abducted by the Castro brothers when they were just teenagers. The brothers kept them inside the basement of their house at Seymour Avenue from which Berry screamed for help Monday evening.

Berry screamed behind the locked front door enough for Charles Ramsey, a neighbor to hear them. Neighbors gathered and bolted the door, called the police and hence ending the girls' 10-year nightmare.

Families of the girls were deeply emotional as reporter David Muir interviews them. Amanda Berry's mother was speechless and the only sounds that can be heard from her were muffled crying. Berry's family waits for Amanda and Jocelyn at the porch of their home with balloons and cards. Amanda's father said that there was no single day that he thought of giving up his hope of being reunited with his daughter.

The world takes an emotional roller coaster ride with the Cleveland kidnapping - bliss for their freedom, hatred for their captives and admiration for the courage of the tree girls.

David Muir made the girls more touching by saying that "...the girls made a bond... and created their own family when they were trapped inside that home for so many years..."