The penultimate episode of "American Horror Story-Coven" served one of the biggest twists of this season. The Axeman put an end to Fiona's life. It is a twist that no one saw coming. However, the selection of the next Supreme in Fiona's absence is something that is hard to digest. She should have seen the rise of the Supreme and experienced slow, painful demise. The Axeman put her out of misery, without putting her in the torture cell. The bloodbath continued in "Go to Hell."

Here is the RECAP of "American Horror Story-Coven" Episode 12, "Go to Hell": The episode opens with captions and black-white, silent visuals of witches, from the pages of witches' history. The note at the beginning of the episode reads: "Guided by ancient tradition witches survive only if united under a strong, singular authority. Every generation needs its leader The Supreme. No simple test could ever determine the sovereign among us. We rely upon seven: The Seven Wonders."

One of the captions describe The Seven Wonders as "seven acts of magic so advanced, each pushes the boundaries of craft into art." These seven acts are Telekinesis, Concilium (control of the mind), Transmutation, Divination Vitalum Vitalis (balancing of scales between one life force and another), Descensum (a perilous descent into the nether worlds of afterlife) and Pyrokinesis.

Fiona is telling Queenie about the acts of The Seven Wonders, warning that inescapable dangers are associated with them. She reveals to Queenie that changing the seven wonder can get a witch killed. Fiona wants Queenie to perform her powers. Queenie is not interested, as she knows that Fiona intends to kill the next Supreme. She questions Fiona about Marie's disappearance. Fiona has no idea about Marie's whereabouts. She uses her powers to tilt Queenie's head backward, showing her that she is still the Supreme. Fiona orders Queenie that she has to perform on Friday.

Queenie finds out that LaLaurie had chopped-off Marie's body into 50 pieces. She had scattered the pieces all over New Orleans. Queenie also goes back to her personal hell, which is a chicken shack. She sees Papa Legba while attending a line of customers. Papa Legba reminds her that chicken shack was the worst time in her life. Queenie wakes-up right on time, before getting permanently stuck in her personal hell. Papa Legba tells Queenie about the immortality deal with Marie. If Marie reneges on her promise, the deal is off the table and she will become mortal. Marie's pieces, scattered across New Orleans, will be unable to fulfil her part of the deal, making the deal null and void. The destinies of LaLaurie and Marie are entwined. As long as Marie is immortal, Madam LaLaurie is immortal, too. Queenie visits Madam LaLaurie

Madam LaLaurie is acting as a tour guide at the infamous LaLaurie House. She is correcting the historical record, which presents her as a demon, the one who had tortured and killed more than 152 slaves in her attic. Madam LaLaurie takes Queenie to the attic and shows her the injured body of the original tour guide. She tells her that she had killed 62 slaves and not 152. Madam LaLaurie is not interested in redemption. She is unapologetic and snubs Queenie's suggestion of serving the descendants of the people, the ones she brutally tortured. Giving examples of Paula Deen, Eliot Spitzer and Anthony Weiner's public apologies, Madam LaLaurie said that they were never sorry but were sorry about getting caught.

Realising that Madam LaLaurie is beyond cure, Queenie stabs her, with a knife. Madam LaLaurie feels the pain. She screams that she does not want to die.

The blind again Cordelia is unable to find any information on Misty. Her vision does not throw-up any image of Misty when she touches Madison. Cordelia believes that she has lost all her powers. Fiona is getting her perfect portrait done. Her nose bleeds, which makes her realise that she has only two weeks of life left. Fiona gives Cordelia her mother's necklace, the most precious heirloom in her vault. She puts the necklace on Cordelia, which makes her daughter say: "You're saying goodbye." The necklace restores Cordelia's vision, as she sees brutally murdered bodies of Zoe, Madison, Queenie and Misty. Also, she sees herself dead, with a bullet wound right in the middle of her head. A smiling Fiona walks in and takes the necklace away from her dead daughter's body.

To avert the impending doom, Cordelia tells the Axeman that Fiona loves only person, herself. Once she kills everyone at the academy, she is going to ditch him, as well. She has used him. Fiona has no place in her life for "a halfway decent musician in a 12-dollar suit." Cordelia tells him about the ticket to a faraway place. Fiona has purchased only one ticket and there is no ticket for her lover.

Cordelia's vision finally shows the image of a singing Misty in a coffin, interred in a cemetery. She takes Queenie along with her to the cemetery. Queenie brings Misty back to life. Zoe and Kyle return to the academy, as well. Zoe tells Myrtle that she is embracing her witch fate, as she realised that she can be the next supreme. She also has the power to bring dead people back to life. Kyle had killed a man and Zoe brought him back to life.

Misty returns to the academy and confronts Madison. A fight ensues, which begins with Misty slapping Madison. Misty shows her brawn-power, proving that she is not just a mild, swamp witch. Madison is unable to throw a counter-punch. The Axeman shows-up, holding his axe and blood on his face. The fight stops and the witches unite to stop the Axeman from using his axe. Cordelia realises that it is the blood of her mother. She gets the vision of what had happened.

Cordeli's vision tells her that the Axeman found the solo ticket in Fiona's bag. Fiona called him just a diversion. She told him: "I guess I loved you. Although, I don't really know anything about love ..." Also, she said to him that once she kills the next Supreme, she will have 30 more years of vitality before the next opponent arrives. And, she said that she lives in a floating world. The Axeman used his axe on her and fed her to the alligators.

All the witches forget their differences and unite. They, together, put an end to the Axeman's life, as nobody messes with their Coven. Cordelia tells them that the next Supreme still needs to be elected. There is a test to select the next Supreme, the coming Sunday.

Madam LaLaurie is caged in her torture chamber. She hears the voice of her thirsty daughter from an adjacent cage. Papa Legba arrives and tells Madam LaLaurie that it is hell. To drink, he gives the blood of Madam LaLaurie to her daughter. He alludes to feeding the daughter her mother's flesh.

Marie is confused when she finds herself present in the same chamber. She picks a hot iron rod to threaten Madam LaLaurie's daughter. However, she throws away the rod, realising that she is becoming like Madam LaLaurie, the despicable person. Papa Legba reminds her that she is no different, as she has stolen an innocent life, every year, to given him. He tells Marie: "No one gets away with sin. Eventually, everybody pays, everybody suffers. Now get back to work." Marie picks-up the rod to torture Madam LaLaurie's daughter.