'Avengers: Infinity War' production update: Drones to shoot aerial footage

Filming of the highly anticipated Marvel film “Avengers: Infinity War” will reportedly begin in Edinburg on Saturday. Pushing the boundaries of filmmaking and employing fresh new techniques, the Russo brothers will use drones to shoot some of the aerial footage.
The end of a long journey of Marvel superhero movies is in sight, with the filming of the first of the two part finale movies beginning production in Atlanta recently, and the filming has now shifted to Old Town in Edinburg, Edinburgh News reports. Some of the cast members like Chris Pratt (Star-Lord), Robert Downey Jr. (Iron Man) and Tom Holland (Spider-Man) were previously spotted on the sets of the upcoming film. It isn’t clear which of the cast will now be filming in the UK.
What is interesting about the upcoming shoot is that directors Anthony Russo and Joe Russo will be using drones to film the aerial scenes in Old Town. Apart from the arrival of “dozens” of stars of the movie in the city, the residents have been warned about minor explosions during filming.
So a fair amount of action sequences of “Avengers: Infinity War” will be filmed in Edinburg. Marvel movies are popular for using humour along with massive action to captivate the audience. However, the one slight change the fans can expect in the upcoming movie is that the action can be a little gritty. The Russo brothers, who delivered the blockbuster “Captain America” movies, have a different style when it comes to the action.
The first two “Avengers’ movies, released in 2012 and 2015 respectively, were directed by Joss Whedon. With the change in the director, the fans can expect an increased focus on Captain America’s individual storyline in the next film. This would be important because Evans may not get to play the character after reprising his role in the next two films, as his contract will end soon.
Evans confirmed that he will not be back to play Captain America after the 2019 film in an interview with Esquire. The actor intends to do his best in what may be his final two movies as the popular superhero. At the time of the interview, he revealed that he has been working out in order to get into better shape for the upcoming films, which will be filmed back to back.
“Avengers: Infinity War” is scheduled to be released on May 4 in the US. The producers are yet to announce a date for Australia. The finale movie will be out in 2019, but the title for that is yet to be chosen.