“Big Brother Australia” surprise eviction has pushed one housemate out of the house on Monday. Dion was the second housemate to be evicted, with another one following him on Tuesday.

The Saved and the Evicted

The housemates were not prepared for the eviction one day before they thought it was going to be held. They weren’t aware that it’s also going to be a double eviction either, with the first one going home on Monday. They were right about someone going to be saved from eviction, though. One of the five nominated housemates – Katie, Cat, Dion, Travis and Priya – was lucky enough to be guaranteed another week at the BB house.

Cat took a massive 30 per cent of the public votes, which meant that she was saved. Unfortunately for Dion, he got the lowest number of votes, garnering only 16 per cent. It was a close race, however. The next nominee got 17 per cent of votes, while the other two have 18 and 19 per cent respectively.

Thus, the gym junkie and Crossfit enthusiast had to say goodbye to his fellow housemates.

Dion Post-Eviction

After giving him glimpse of how the housemates think of him and his Crossfit, host Sonia Kruger asked Dion to show off his unique dance moves to the audience. Dion appeared to be still in shock when he walked onto the stage, but he lit up when he was dancing the adorably quirky dance of his.

The 24-year-old Brisbanite’s time in the house might have cut short, but he isn’t going home empty handed. Like first evictee Gemma, he also received a $5,000 voucher from Appliances Online.

Oh, and he also took a meat tray and a bag of rice (both probably fake) from co-presenter Mike Goldman.

Sandra and Sam; Cat and Lawson

It’s not just Sandra crushing on the already taken Sam. Cat is also infatuated with Lawson, who has a girlfriend outside the house. Faced with the same dilemma as Sandra, Cat turned to the 30-year-old retail manager for advice. It wasn’t the best move, though, since Sandra was just as confused as her. So instead of advice, she got solidarity with the fit blonde.

Cat also asked Lawson’s former house partner Aisha for advice. The 22-year-old Kiwi told Cat that she thinks that Cat’s feelings are reciprocated, but promised all the same not to tell the magic man about their talk.

While Lawson appeared clueless about Cat’s feelings for him, Sam has no doubts about Sandra’s crush on him. He didn’t want to encourage Sandra’s affection, but he also didn’t want to alienate her.


“Someone who is well built but a bit naïve. Does someone spring to mind?” Big Brother asked Head of House Sam and Sandra in the Power Room. They were given an opportunity to make fun of one housemate, who would do audition for a faux fitness company.

“Travis!” the non-couple twosome immediate answered at the same time. It was an easy choice for them. Travis is unquestionably good-looking, but he doesn’t appear to be the brightest in the bunch, as according to some housemates who voted for him for eviction. He has displayed his cluelessness during a Perfect Pair game when he admitted to not knowing Mother Teresa.

And thus, Travis was called to the Diary Room to perform certain scripts that were really just made up by Sam and Sandra.

He might come off obnoxious and not-so-smart to his fellow housemates, but Travis was a real romantic with Aisha. He asked Big Brother for a date with Aisha, enlisting the others’ help to set up his date.

Intruder Alert!

An intruder will be entering the house on Wednesday, and the word is that he is a gym junkie like Dion. According to Behind Big Brother blog, the newest addition to the house is Ryan Burke-Gaffney, a model and personal trainer who is originally from Canada.

He might go with another name, though. There’s already a Ryan in the house, so it’s likely that he would be called by another nickname.

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