Actors Jamie Dornan (L) and Dakota Johnson arrive for the British premiere of 'Fifty Shades of Grey' in London February 12, 2015.
Actors Jamie Dornan (L) and Dakota Johnson arrive for the British premiere of 'Fifty Shades of Grey' in London, February 12, 2015. Reuters/Paul Hackett

A 12-year-old boy apparently acted out scenes from “Fifty Shades of Grey” in a local park The young boy, who is yet to enter his teenage years, claimed that he had performed the “activities” with his girlfriend.

Addiction psychotherapist Steve Pope told BBC Radio Five Live on Tuesday that one of his young clients “amazed” him with the revelations. Pope was talking about the damaging effect of pornography, specifically on young children when exposed to such material.

Pope said that experts had been concerned about how “Fifty Shades of Grey” would affect children. He said that it was quite concerning to know what children at present times considered adult sexual behaviour as normal.

Pope added that the 12-year-old had thought the sexual behaviour portrayed on “Fifty Shades of Grey” was “normal.” He believed that it was okay to do the same with a young girl. “We had a young man and a young girl acting various scenes from 50 Shades of Grey in a local park,” the therapist said, “In my day a bottle of cider in the local park was the great experiment.”

The therapist argued that it was porn which normalised the forbidden. He said that children would have long-term effects of what they thought was normal behaviour. Porn, according to him, is one of the fastest growing areas of addiction and threats to the society known to Western culture.

Pope explained what was considered as an addiction, saying it was the compulsion which posed the problem. Not every child would not be affected, though. Children with addictive personalities would surely get affected by porn through internet.

The psychotherapist further explained that sex offenders often used porn to “pump themselves up to commit a crime.” While complete protection cannot be provided, parents should get educated about it. He referred to British celebrity chef Jamie Oliver and advocated a campaign. While Oliver works for food education, people should work on educating parents about the negative effects of porn addiction among children.

According to Pope, adults should be careful about making sure that children do not have access to literature like FSOG. The inquisitive nature of children may prompt them to research more on such a popular book.

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