Discovery by archaeologists of bashed skull of Queen of Egypt sparks end-of-the world speculations

Archaeologists who are investigating an apparent desecration of the burial site of an ancient Egyptian royal family are warning of the consequences on earth. Among the consequences they warned of are disasters, hinting of end-of-the-world scenarios.
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In late 2015, archaeologists from the Czech Institute of Egyptology discovered the tomb of Queen Khentkaus III, wife of the Pharoah Neferefre. The investigators say the skull of Khentkaus was bashed in, however, it was not due to the brutal manner she died, but it was caused by the Czech tomb raiders, reports Mirror.
According to CNN, the queen’s tomb was discovered in a necropolis in Abusir, southwest of Cairo. Her tomb was 650 feet away from her husband’s tomb.
Based on the analysis of the remains of the Egyptian royal, considered the Queen Mother, and events 4,500 years ago, the probers find similarities to what is happening now. According to the investigators, Egypt was very rich during the time of the Pharoah’s reign. But 200 years after the Queen Mother’s death, River Nile dried and their kingdom was totally destroyed, resulting in the state’s disintegration.
The probers believe a similar disaster waits the world, citing the impact of climate change on the planet iin the future. Professor Miroslav Barta, leader of the investigators, notes that the disaster that hit Egypt then was a crucial point in the Old Kingdom when it began to face factors that led to its disintegration. These are the role of interest groups, effect of nepotism and the rise of democracy. He refers to what happened as a black patch in the history in the history of the Old Kingdom.
“Without reasonable floods, there were no reasonable harvests and therefore very bad taxes; without appropriate taxes there were no sufficient means to finance the state apparatus and maintain the ideology and integrity of the state,” explains the professor.
He believes that ancient artifacts, such as pottery, copper, woodwork and animal bones, which were discovered with the remains of the royal Egyptian family could be carbon dated to get more accurate information about the past and the queen’s life. Barte says that using carbon dating technology could help know her age when she died, any diseases she had and the number of children she had based on the condition of her pelvis.
That information from history could help today’s generation learn the lessons since mankind has basically not changed over the centuries that passed. He says there are many path’s in today’s world that similarly face internal and external challenges.
Barta stresses people should not be complacent because of technological advances, as he adds that they must learn from the lessons of history. By learning from the past, based on lessons from the queen’s tomb, the world could take another path.
He concludes, “If we accept collapse as a fact, we will understand collapses as being part of the natural course of things, and one of the needed steps in the process leading towards ‘resurrection.’”