Edward Snowden's father feels that Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia, is not going to give in the pressure tactics of Barack Obama.

The father of the American fugitive who is a former spy contractor is firm in his belief that Putin is going stand by his principles. He will not surrender to Washington's pressure. Both the nation-head were supposed to have a one-to-one meeting in September, which was cancelled by the White House earlier.

Obama was supposed to have the meeting with the Russian president to discuss Russia's strategy in order to provide refuge to the fugitive whom U.S. is desperately looking for. Snowden's father was candid about his conviction as he spoke to Reuters. He was pretty convinced that Putin was not going to change his strategies to send Edward Snowden back to U.S. for facing espionage charges.

According to Snowden's father, Putin has already shown enough courage and strength not surrender to America's pressure. He maintained his firm stand against adversity. There has apparently been tremendous pressure from the U.S. government. They want Snowden back in the country so that they may charge him for spying against America.

However, Obama's decision to cancel the summit with Putin may have severe diplomatic consequences. Obama has been instrumental in building up a strong relation between Russia and America. This cancellation may end his aspirations to further deals related to nuclear arms.

It was declared 4 years back that America was going to end the cold war with Russia start a new age of diplomatic friendship with the country. Even though there were some early signs of success, Obama has finally come to a conclusion that there is no point in having a meeting since both the countries are distinctly different in their outlook.

On the other hand, it cannot be considered as a complete break up between the two nations. Obama is sure to attend the G-20 annual conference in Russia, to be held September 5 & 6. Obama, nevertheless, is not in a mood to meet Putin even at the conference even though it is a customary practice.