Bruce Wilson, an ex-boyfriend of erstwhile Prime Minister Julia Gillard and a former union official, hit a photographer on Monday outside the royal commission where there is an ongoing investigation into union corruption.

Inside the commission was another union official, Ralph Blewitt, who was providing evidence of alleged secret payments to union slush fund.

Sam Mooy, the photographer of News Corp Australia, spotted Wilson and took his photos, prompting the ex-union official to shout abuse to Mooy, who claimed Wilson pushed his lens and hit his collar. Another lensman, AAP photographer Dan Himbrechts, who was present, said the attack was unprovoked and recorded the incident in his camera (

It was the first day of hearings of the commission formed by the Abbott Government to probe alleged union slush funds set up over 20 years ago. The reports alleged that Blewitt and Wilson were the bagmen.

In the hearing, Blewitt recalled arriving at the Melbourne house of Ms Gillard in 1994 and walking through the house to the back since the place was open. He said Ms Gillard was in one of the rooms beside the front door and told him to proceed to the back of the house where Wilson was.

He followed her instruction and found Wilson in the kitchen where there were three other people performing renovation work. Wilson called one of the workers and asked Blewitt to give the man $7,000 which he did.

The man took the money and returned to his work.

Ms Gillard had previously denied that union funds wee used to pay for her Melbourne house's renovation. Blewitt said Ms Gillard was not present when he handed over the $7,000.