Former Detainee Provides Details Of CIA Sexual Abuse, Torture Techniques On Gitmo Prisoners Worse Than What Was In 2014 Senate Report
The Senate report in 2014 of the abuses by the US Central Intelligence Agency staff on prisoners at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba was not complete. A former detainee who became a government witness disclosed gory details of sexual abuse and torture that the CIA did on prisoners.
Majid Khan said that CIA interrogators poured ice on his penis, filmed him twice naked and touched his male organs repeatedly. The apparently drunk agents also threatened to harm him using hammer, baseball bats, sticks and leather belts, reports Reuters. While naked, he was hung from poles and his head was held by guards under ice water. Khan was also subjected to rectal feeding and rectal hydration. The meal, made up of hummus, pasta with sauce, nuts and raisins, were pureed and infused in his rectum.
While he was hung naked on a pole and hooded, the interrogators threw ice on his body every two to three hours and placed a fan that blew air on him so he would not fall asleep. In July 2003, while Khan was naked and hooded hung on a metal pole, CIA agents allegedly poured ice on his nose, mouth and genital repeatedly. They also made him sit naked on a wooden box while he was videotaped and questioned.
He shared the details with his lawyers who compiled interviews done over seven years in 27 pages of notes. A formal review process by Washington led to the release in May of the note. Prior to the Senate report in December 2014, the CIA banned former Gitmo prisoners and their lawyers from releasing to the public a description of the interrogation methods the agency used on detainees.
Khan filed a guilty plea in 2012 to charges of conspiracy, material support, murder and espionage. The 35-year-old Pakistani, who studied at a Maryland high school, turned government witness. In exchange, he will serve time in prison for 19 years, which starts when he filed the guilty plea.
He admitted that he served as courier to deliver $50,000 to al Qaeda in Indonesia. The money funded the 2003 truck bombing of a Jakarta Marriot hotel which killed 11 and injured 80 people. For the al Qaeda in the US, Khan planned to poison water supplies, bombed gas stations and served as the terror group’s sleeper agent until he was caught in Pakistan. The CIA insisted that Khan lied to interrogators repeatedly.
While it took Democratic staffers five years to review the Senate report, based on 6.3 million internal CIA documents, the CIA and many Republicans said the Senate report’s findings were exaggerated. In response to Khan’s allegation, Amnesty International USA Director of Security and Human Rights Program Naureen Shah called for the US Department of Justice to reopen and widen an investigation into the alleged torture by the CIA.
“The horrific abuses brought to light today must be answered for. It is inconceivable that these allegations of heinous and torturous acts could have been unknown to the U.S. government until recently,” The Independent quotes Shah.
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