Samsung Galaxy Note 3 and Samsung Galaxy S3 in parts apart from the United States still need to receive the Android 4.3 Jelly Beam update. For some users, manually updating or using test firmware has been the best option. As for those wondering when their carriers will roll out or when will their devices get upgrades should know a few things. Samsung has been tight lipped about the schedules, but a number of reports and events should help pinpoint when the next updates will be.

It was in November when Samsung started rolling out the Android 4.3 Jelly Bean to Galaxy Note 3 and Galaxy S3 devices. The update provided new features for the devices including Samsung Knox security improvements and Galaxy Gear support.

In December, the rollout of the update finished in the United States. However, there are a few remaining carriers outside the United States that have not issued the update. So far, details about the Australian roll out have surfaced.

Optus, a small carrier in the country, confirmed has Jan 21 that it has finished testing the Android 4.3 Jelly Bean on the Galaxy Note. Samsung should release the update soon. The carrier did not provide details on the exact date. It only confirmed that the upgrade will be coming in the near future.

Telstra, on the other hand, is another Australian carrier that has been mixed with controversy because of the long overdue update for the Galaxy Note 2. The company has also missed the Android 4.3 Jelly Bean update on the Samsung Galaxy S3. Nonetheless, the company has to make up for it by providing a bit of information.

Telstra announced that it has been testing the Galaxy Note 2 for the update. The company wants to roll out the upgrade around Feb 3. Initially, the carrier said that it will be rolling out the update in December. However, several weeks passed without an update. This drew complaints from Galaxy Note 2 owners.

Galaxy S3 owners will have to wait for another announcement. Telstra has no other details about the Android 4.3 Jelly Bean rollout to Galaxy S3. The carrier simply indicated that it has "No information we can share on this device at this stage."