As the separate release dates for the iPhone 6 and iPhone 5S approach, rumours and leaks intensify that pretty much paint the big picture about the two handsets, especially the so-called killer features they will showcase.

Most likely, those keeping vigil on the developments know that the 5S is a not the giant leap that Apple fans are expecting though the features are interesting enough the keep the device at the forefront of the global smartphone competition for the rest of year.

It is the iPhone 6 that generates floods of interest. Analysts claim the phone is the real game-changer - bringing in new body-design, faster processor, better touchscreen technology plus functions and features not to be found on the 5S.

Yet beyond these impressive mobile phone attributes, there are three exciting features - not necessarily new as they are already featured in rival smartphones - that really matter to consumers. Briefly, they are discussed below.

Longer battery hours and wireless charging

Android phones, specifically the high-end kinds, now boast of these capabilities, which for many translate as really the top killer features for the next iPhone generations. As experts would agree, smartphone features would be for naught if power juice in a single charge will not reach the optimal level.

Thankfully, Apple is constantly innovating, developing the best A-series chips possible to deliver more iPhone muscle while trimming down the energy requirements. Couple that with increasingly improving battery technology, making for higher rated batteries, then it is highly possible that the iPhone 5S and the iPhone 6 to swiftly follow it will provide extended hours of smartphone productivity and amusement.

Sort of a bonus would be wireless charging, which many iPhone 5 users are now enjoying with the help of third-party-made accessories. Hopefully, Apple would include the feature with the two iPhone models, preferably using QI standard to allow users wide-range of accessory pairings, as the case in the Android system.

Pretty and beastly iPhone body-build

There is no doubt that Apple holds the distinction of providing powerful handsets that are equally eye-popping when it comes to the look department. The company successfully fused ergonomics and aesthetic, making all iPhone models the best-looking mobile phones in the planet.

However, months and years of extensive use take its toll on iPhones. In iPhone 4 and 4S, the main problem was the fragile screen and glass back cover. Apple corrected that by wrapping the iPhone 5 in anodised aluminium but this casing easily invites dents and scratches, leaving the handset with ugly scars after only brief periods out of the box.

The iPhone 5S, it is said, will pretty much sport the same iPhone 5 body so there is little hope that this problem will disappear this year. But the answer should come with the iPhone 6, which reports said will be manufactured using a new technique to give it better durability.

Water resistant iPhones

And speaking of durability, wouldn't it be nice of Apple to package water and dust proofing with the iPhone 5S and iPhone 6. Sony and Samsung did it with the Xperia Z and Galaxy S4 Active respectively so why not the tech firm that reinvented the mobile phone?

Surely, iPhone users would appreciate the possibility of allowing them to bring the handset near swimming pools and beaches without fear of ending up with a badly-soaked and malfunctioning device. Millions await the moment of snapping clips and images using an iPhone while enjoying the waters.

For now, they're crossing their fingers, praying that come the iPhone 5S and iPhone 6 release dates, this dream will become a reality.