July 29 end-of-the-world Doomsday prediction by false ‘prophet’ is epic failure

The last time there was an end-of-the-world prophecy, it was on Friday the 13th in November 2015. As expected the forecast fizzled like what happened to another Apocalypse prediction for July 29, 2016, Friday.
The 17-minute, 39-second video posted on July 9 on YouTube by End Times Prophecies, has become viral with more than 5.2 million view in three weeks. The Christian doomsayer warned that chaos would start when magnetic poles would flip, reports Morningledger.
The scenario allegedly would “make the stars race across the sky,” while the Earth would reel that would create vacuum which would pull the atmosphere to the ground as it tries to catch up. However, the prophet of doom did not provide a specific time when would it happen, but in parts of the world, July 29 is about to end and the “prophecy” has yet to be fulfilled.
However, Metro reports that John Preacher of Armageddon News claims someone reuploaded their videos and placed a July 29 end-of-the-world date. “Nothing is going to happen on July 29th. We have never claimed such a thing, this date is just another false date being promote online,” clarifies John Preacher.
He adds that before Doomsday arrives, there are several prophecies that must be fulfilled first. John Preacher cites the conquest of Jerusalem by surrounding Arab countries which would last for 42 months. The basis of that period is the last book of the Christian bible, Revelations 11:2.
It would happen before the Second Coming marked by global earthquakes. Metro notes that the July 29 prediction is just one of three end-of-the-world predictions in 2016. The two others are on May 6 when an asteroid was supposed to hit the planet and U.S. President Barack Obama allegedly revealing in June he is the anti-Christ. Like July 29, the two fake “prophecies” had expired without being fulfilled.