The National Party in New Zealand released its policy documents on foreign affairs and trade. Releasing the documents, Foreign Affairs Spokesman Murray McCully and Trade Spokesman Tim Groser, reaffirmed the commitment of National Government headed by John Key to continue an independent foreign policy with a high focus on trade and economic partnerships, reported Yahoo! News.

According to McCully, the foreign policy record of National has been strong. If re-elected, the National Party will reinvigorate the traditional partnerships with Australia, the UK and US.

Special attention will be paid partnerships in a number of growing regions, including the Gulf, Latin America and Africa. Trade and diplomatic relationships in Asia will be taken to the next level.

China Trade

The exports to China increased from $2 billion to $11.5 billion, after National came to power. This was the result of careful nurturing of the relationship. The focus on ASEAN will involve cross-government strategy to build diplomatic, economic and logistic links spurred by the increase in exports to the tune of $5 billion per year. The entry of Air New Zealand into the Singapore market provided a platform for further growth.

McCully asserted the National Party's resolve to maintain an unwavering focus the sustainable development and prosperity of Pacific neighbourhood

New Zealand's campaign for a non-permanent seat on the UN Security Council will be concluded in October. If elected, New Zealand will take principled positions in the Security Council decision to promote more reforms in its functioning.


On exports, National has set a target of hiking the ratio of exports to GDP from 30 to 40 per cent by 2025. This will double the value of exports by 2025 and will shape up New Zealand as a small, yet successful partner in the global economy.

The document claims that FTA agenda is good for New Zealand and is critical in creating more jobs and higher incomes for the New Zealanders. The National will pursue a number of high quality free trade agreements and open up markets in many fast-growing economies, added Groser.

The concerted programmes to help exporters for maximizing export opportunities will continue. The New Zealand Trade and Enterprise is already a well aligned trade promotion agency with commitments of $69 million to boost a number of companies.