Tokyo Game Show is revealing a lot of new features for the PS4, with the biggest being one of the main gripes that people have had with next-gen consoles.

Sony Worldwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida has already confirmed that the PS4 will be able to play PS3 titles, so long as you are using Gaikai streaming. Think of it as a new way by which backward compatibility was made possible.

According to CVG, the service will be offered in North America starting 2014, with no announcements yet on when it will be launched in Europe and the rest of the world. Since this is a new way by which Sony is using cloud-based power and streaming older games, there will only be a few games made available at the start.

"We have to make sure that the game can work through the Internet so we have to go through certification for each title. So we'll start with a certain number of titles and gradually expand the library," said Yoshida in a statement quoted by CVG.

The goal is to have PS3 games streamed not just for the PS4 but also the PS Vita and the PS Vita TV.

The next question now is probably how the company is planning to make this service an official and uniform one. Considering that not all areas will have a constant Internet connection--does this mean that only a select few will get the Gaikai service?

PS4 Eye to Get Kinect-like Features

Sony just keeps on giving you a reason why you should buy the PS4 Eye Camera. Masayasu Ito, Senior VP and Business Division president, has finally made it official at Tokyo Game Show.

With the use of the PS4 Eye Camera, Sony's next-gen console will now have its own champion against the Kinect. According to Joystiq, the PS4 Eye Camera will allow voice and face recognition, so you can easily load up games, navigate the OS, and give in-game commands. This feature will immediately be made available for Knack.

Sony's stand on the PS4 Eye Camera remains the same--that it is an accessory that gamers can choose to have or not, and it won't affect the overall experience of the game.

But from the looks of it, Sony is rolling out a lot of new features linked to the PS4 Eye Camera. Previously reported on was The PlayRoom, which is an augmented reality experience that is made possible by using the camera and the DualShock 4.

Sony has also been reported to be working on its own virtual reality device, with the PS4 Eye Camera being a major component to make it work. And now, voice and face recognition features are being rolled out.

The PS4 Eye Camera will be sold separately at $60.

What are your thoughts about the camera? Do you think that Sony should have bundled the PS4 Eye Camera with the console? And will this new feature make you get the accessory?

PS4 Android and iOS App Out for November

A lot of next-gen games have been getting accompanying apps either as a second screen or for remote play. This time, the PS4 is riding the bandwagon, as Sony teased that an Android and iOS app for the PS4 will be released.

More details will be revealed in Nov., but Polygon reports that this app will allow gamers to have a second screen and game controller via any smart device. Whether or not this is available for all games or just select titles will be revealed come Nov.

Another feature available for the PlayStation app is the ability to operate and browse through PlayStation Network. Integration with social media like Facebook and Twitter is also allowed.

Sony will most likely reveal details once the console finally releases this Nov. for Europe and North America. There have been no announcements yet on whether the app will also find its way to Asian territories, which will be getting their PS4 consoles a month later on Dec. 2013 and in Japan on Feb. 22, 2014.