Report Says 1,400 White Children In Rotherdam Raped by Muslim Men From 1997 To 2013

A report come out last week said that about 1,400 white English children from the UK town of Rotherham were sexually abused by Muslim men of Pakistani origin from 1997 to 2013. The tolerance for the rape was due to social services and government workers ignoring the abuses so as not to further antagonise the Muslim community in the area and worsen the racial tension. believes the fear of being labeled as racist was another reason behind why the abuse went on for 16 long years.
Besides the rape by multiple men, the victims were also trafficked in other northern England towns and cities, kidnapped, beaten and threatened. Some were poured with gasoline and threatened to be lit, others had guns pointed at them and some saw their fellow children being brutally violated sexually by the men and threatened to be the next rape victim if they shared to anyone what they saw. The victims were as young as 11, The New York Times reported.
The apathy could also be because the young victims were perceived as prone to drugs and alcohol. Of the about 1,400 victims, there were only five men tried and convicted for the rape of one girl.
One victim presented bags of their soiled cloths as proof of the abuse, but the police instead gave her a cheque for £140 as compensation for the clothes, which they also deliberately "misplaced."
British Home Secretary Theresa May acknowledged to the Parliament the authorities ignoring the crimes due to "institutionalized political correctedness."
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