A man dressed to mock Toronto Mayor Rob Ford gets sprayed by water guns at the" WorldPride" gay pride Parade in Toronto
A man dressed to mock Toronto Mayor Rob Ford gets sprayed by water guns at the" WorldPride" gay pride Parade in Toronto June 29, 2014. Toronto is hosting WorldPride, a week-long event that celebrates the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community. REUTERS/Mark Blinch

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford has promised that he would complete the Sheppard subway in case he gets re-elected. The promise, which he made on Monday, was the same promise he had made in 2010 during his successful election campaign.

Ford also indicated that the sub-way would have an increased number of riders after the completion of the project. The sub-way has not been used for a long time. However, it used to connect to the Scarborough Town Centre. Now the dead-end of the sub-way is at Don Mills Station. Ford said that the riders would come if the sub-way was completely built. The $9-billion proposal to complete the sub-way was apparently what Ford would expect to "cash on" this fall to get re-elected as the mayor of Toronto for another term, Toronto Sun reported.

Ford said that the sub-way was "just one part" of his complete plan. "As we build subways, density will come," he said, "It is very, very simple my plan again is to build underground right out to Scarborough - just keep going." Council earlier rejected the proposal to have an extension of the sub-way. The alternate plan was to do the revival of the Sheppard LRT which would be expected to take off in 2017. It is only in 2021 that the line can possibly be open.

Ford had denied earlier that he had allegedly tried helping Apollo Health and Beauty Care grab a city hall land. He said that he was not "in favour" of expropriating lands. "I'm going to be as clear as possible. You call me, anybody calls me - if someone calls me, I don't say: 'What company do you work at? Do we do business with you? No I'm not going to help you.'" Ford said at a press conference on Monday. He denied it when he was specifically asked about his association with Apollo.

The Star reported that this is the second company which Ford allegedly helped at city hall. He has also been accused of holding private meetings with Apollo to manipulate a tax break for the company. Ford, on the other hand, said that he was open to help anyone who needed it.

Contact the writer: s.mukhopadhyay@ibtimes.com.au