Miley Cyrus on Rolling Stone Cover Page. Image - Instagram/mileycyrus

Miley Cyrus made it to "Rolling Stone" cover. And you must have figured out by now that there is no stopping for this pop star. She is on a roll, and we can tell that just by a look at the cover of the magazine.

After reading her confessions in the magazine, we learned a lot about this wild pop star.

Time for 10 things to know about Miley Cyrus from her "Rolling Stone" interview:

1. Stephen Baldwin inked HM on his shoulder for Hannah Montana:

"People get tattoos of the most f***ed-up shit," Cyrus says. "Did you know Alec Baldwin has Hannah Montana's initials tattooed on him? No, wait - Stephen Baldwin. He said he was my biggest fan, and I told him my biggest fans have tattoos. So he got hm tattooed on his shoulder."

2. Her bestie, Cheye worked at Starbucks and she hired him. Now, he is her assistant:

22-year-old Cheye is now Cyrus' assistant. He is her best friend and worked at Starbucks.

"I was like, 'F*** that,'" she says. "My best friend can't work at Starbucks! We've been working ever since."

3. She got a Teddy Roosevelt quote inked on her forearm:

The quote reads, "so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."

"It's from a Teddy Roosevelt speech." ""It's about how people judge who wins and who loses, but they're not the ones in there fighting," she says.

"It's about critics," Cyrus continues.

4. Miley Cyrus got Rolling $tone on her feet, just for fun:

Rolling Stone tattoo on Miley Cyrus' feet. Image - Instagram/mileycyrus

For her first ever cover story in "Rolling Stone," she wanted to do something fun.

"I thought about going to play laser tag," she says. "But laser tag sucks. And we could have gone bowling, but what are we, 90?" Cyrus says.

5. Steve Carrell is Cyrus' neighbour but is not her big fan:

"The other day I was trying to reverse and I almost hit a thousand things, and I was getting nervous because I could see him going" - she crosses her arms and lets out a big, annoyed sigh. "I'm like, oh, my God, Dan in Real Life is watching me right now!" she says.

6. Miley Cyrus thinks Robin Thicke must share the blame for the infamous twerk at MTV VMA 2013:

She put across a valid point by saying, "No one is talking about the man behind the ass. It was a lot of 'Miley twerks on Robin Thicke,' but never, 'Robin Thicke grinds up on Miley.' They're only talking about the one that bent over. So obviously there's a double standard."

7. Miley Cyrus Guides Justin Bieber:

Yes, that's right.

"I'm not much older than him, so I never want it to feel like I'm mentoring him. But I do mentor him in a way. Because I've been doing this shit for a long time, and I already transitioned, and I don't think he's quite done it yet," she confirms.

"He's trying really hard," she adds. "People don't take him seriously, but he really can play the drums, he really can play guitar, he really can sing. I just don't want to see him fuck that up, to where people think he's Vanilla Ice. I tell him that. Like, 'You don't want to become a joke. When you go out, don't start shit. Don't come in shirtless.' But the thing is," she says with a laugh, "I think boys are, like, seven years behind. So in his head, he's really, like, 12."

8. The tear in the "Wrecking Ball" music video is for real. It is not for Liam Hemsworth, but her dog just died.

Yes, that very tear is for real. "That was real," She says. "My dog just passed away."

9. Skydiving was a part of the interview:

Miley Cyrus came down from the sky. "If I die," she threatens her instructor, "you guys are f***ed."

10. Kanye West calmed her senses before the VMA performance while Pharell encouraged her after the performance:

It looks like Miley Cyrus got two homies in the form of Kanye West and Pharell. West says to her before the performance, "There are not a lot of artists I believe in more than you right now."

Pharell sent her an inspiring message, "The VMAs was nothing more than God or the Universe showing you how powerful anything you do is," he says at one point. "It's like uranium - it has the power to take over lives or power entire countries. Now that you've seen your power, master it."

He continues, "You're not a train wreck." "You're the train pulling everyone else along."