At least 1,170 students stand to get affected and 157 teachers stand to lose their jobs once Queensland pursues to close nine of its state public schools.

It was revealed last week that the concerned schools were three Brisbane high schools and six primary schools in Brisbane, Toowoomba, the Darling Downs and Townsville. The shutdown could happen by end of the year.

The information on the school closures, which got released under a Right to Information application, as contained in a departmental briefing from August 8, 2012, was explained as necessary to allow the state government save on expenses in maintaining and operating less than performing schools, most especially those located in the urban areas.

"Under Labor 89 Queensland schools were closed, in some cases, to fund other schools," John-Paul Langbroek, education minister, told Queensland Country Life.

"This is exactly what the Newman Government is proposing. Closing unviable schools to improve other Queensland schools and build new ones.

However, from an original number of 55 schools meant for closure, that has been greatly reduced to only nine.

Mr Langbroek said it is still possible that not all nine schools will close.

"Nine is the amount that we're considering," Mr Langbroek on Monday told reporters on Monday. "But it's not a fait accompli and it's something we need to consider after six months of consultation."

Mr Langbroek likewise assured rural schools will remain open and operational.

"I would like to assure Queensland families that I have personally ruled out the closure of any rural schools," Mr Langbroek said.

"Queensland needs 100 news schools in the next 10 years to cater for growth, so we need to manage our school infrastructure more efficiently."

"Before any schools are closed, there will be extensive consultation with the school community."