At $12 off-contract price tag, the Gongkai Phone may appear a steal for consumers. The device features 260 MHz processor, 8MB of RAM and a two-colored OLED screen in a snap-together plastic case.

The only downside is that the Gongkai phone is apparently available only in China, with Gizmondo citing it is available at the Mingtong Digital Mall at Huafa North Road, Futian District, Shenzhen.

The tech Web site, however, concedes that this cheap phone would not likely be the primary device of Chinese consumers, but only a backup.

Commenters on the Gizmondo article, like Tommy Almond, said there are even cheaper generic dumb phones for $7. However, Aaron Davis warned, "Sounds like it would make the ideal remote detonation receiver for the next bombing, unless there are even cheaper GSM receivers than $12."

Geekymitch commented that it could be the one phone that could beat the Tracphone as the perfect "want my kids to have a phone" device. The Tracphone costs $80 plus another $20 every 3 months for minutes. Geekymitch explained, "If he loses it, I won't have to destroy his world since it's not a contract situation, and there will be no need to fork over hundreds and hundreds of dollars for replacement."

SkipErnst added he purchased a Tracfone a few years ago and at that time the cheapest model was $5 while the clamshell version was $10.

TracFone Wireless is a prepaid wireless service provider that offers disposable wireless products under multiple brands, but its minutes have expiration dates.