Bad luck continues to hound the infamous Ford brothers in Toronto as they lost a TV show just one day after the programme's debut. Sun News Network cancelled Ford Nation, which was hosted by Mayor Rob Ford and his brother Councillor Doug Ford.


CNN reported that the show was cancelled on Tuesday. Kory Teneycke, vice president of the network, explained that while it broke their record of 100,000 viewers, the time and production needed to keep the show running is not viable.

But he said the controversial brothers will still be regular guests in Sun News shows.

The programme had its pilot episode on Monday, the day that the mayor and the councilor were involved in shouting matches at the Toronto City Council meeting as the audience protested the filming of those on the gallery.

The chaos did not end with the verbal abuse since the mayor rushed to the rescue of his brother who was debating with a member of the audience, and in the process, he knocked down Pam McConnell, a small and elderly councillor. She suffered a bruised lip from the accident.

Since the mayor admitted smoking cocaine and was caught on video, the council had initiated measures to curb his powers, but Mr Ford objected to the move.

His legal counsel, lawyer George Rust-D'Eye, accused the council of illegally "hanging" Mr Ford, but insisted that the mayor has the right to stop their action through the court.

"They are attempting to punish the mayor - it was kind of a symbolic hanging," Globe and Mail quoted his lawyer.

He said the mayor could argue that he was deprived of his ability to perform his duties as mandated by the City of Toronto Act, and that was unjust since he was not notified ahead of time of their measure. The lawyer also insisted that the city council did not attempt to investigate Mr Ford's behaviour, recommend or explain the impact of the council's moves.