It might have been the year for cutting back expenses and the birth of the term "recessionista" but this beauty product never did go out of style, in fact it even experienced a boost in sales. According to Women's Wear Daily, sales were up 59% for the first 10 months of the year and it managed to do better than any other beauty or health product this year as well.

In fact, colored lacquer and top/base coat sales were up 50%. This implies the fact that ladies are doing complete at-home manicures themselves. These are five reasons why nail polish remains the most beloved beauty buy of 2011:

1. Variety: In the 80's the only colors to be had for prettifying your nails were pink and red. Could you imagine that for a second? Just imagine that and think of the thousands upon thousands of colors available to you now. Everything from neon to jewel tones to metallic literally at your finger tips.

2. Nail Innovations: There's magnetic nail polish, scented nail polish, heat-activated color-changing nail polish, nail decals, top coats that mimic a cracked effect, gel, etc. You don't even have to be a professional to use these tools; just enough time for your polish to dry.

3. Celebrity Collaborations: Just as most fans are willing to buy whatever their idols are wearing, eating and doing, nail polish that's part of a celebrity's brand is sure to make it big. Case in point: Justin Bieber, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, the Kardashians, Nicki Minaj, Serena Williams, and the Muppets all have best selling nail polish lines out this year.

4. Express Yourself With Your Nails: Ombre nails, half-moon manicures, polka dot nails, checkerboard nails, newspaper nails, marbled nails are just a few trends that have fashionistas in a tizzy. Most any mood and taste can be successfully transferred to your nails.

5. We're Less Conservative: Manicures don't have to be so somber. We can now paint our nails fun colors and still get the job done!