As doomsday nears, which according to the Mayan Calendar is just two days away on Dec 21, 2012, even those who have sufficient money to buy shelters, bunkers, highlands properties, or construct underground facilities to survive nuclear radiation have the luxury of time to do so.

Since most of the Earth's territory are public and can be accessed by traveling, there are a few of which considered the safest on the worst day in the history of mankind.

The five known safest place on Earth against chaos and catastrophe for any doomsday, according to ezine, are as follows:

5th Safest Place on Earth - The Himalayas Mountains

It is a mountain range in Asia separating the plains of Indian subcontinent from the Tibetan Plateau. Its elevation is 29,029 ft and here lies the highest peak of mountains on Earth.

Obviously, the height of the Himalayas is haven against tsunamis, unless the magnitude of it exceeds our highest mountain peaks. It is a safe place against volcanic activity because of its very, very cold temperature.

The catch: Extreme cold weather conditions and very high altitude, meaning only veteran climbers have an actual chance of reaching its location. Otherwise, most people would have died by frostbite or oxygen deprivation. Another possible problem will be food because it's unlikely to find abundance or vegetation in the peaks of the mountain.

4th Safest Place on Earth - China

For its geographic location, China is well high above sea level, prone-free from seismic or volcanic activity, and abundant natural resources. As a nation, it has a great number of manpower to build survival bunkers and several good locations in its provinces.

China is also landlocked, a very little chance of water-related catastrophe may occur. And if there is any, the Himalayas are a possible last resort escape route.

The catch: In theory, China is relatively a safe haven unless there is something with can destroy this country. The country has also run out of candles for emergencies.

3rd Safest Place on Earth - Sierra Nevada

Europe today has a lot weakness if doomsday happens. Its land will sink in water; nuclear facilities will blow, and recorded with a few most destructive volcanic effects in history.

As a safe haven for Europeans, the Sierra Nevada would be a probable location. It is mountain range in Spain with a highest point of 11,411 ft above sea level. Sierra Nevada is a safe location because of its warm temperature relative to its height, adequate shelter, and enough materials for comfortable living.

The catch: Access is the main problem. Most lands are expensive to purchase, owned by the government, and occupied by private ski resorts.

2nd Safest Place on Earth - Arizona, USA

It is speculated that the entire country of the Unites States of America will be obliterated once doomsday occurs. But the studies and diagnosis of these are based on the collective information of the entire country. In a state level, Arizona has a fighting chance and could possibly survive an event. It is considered as the safest place in the U.S. because of its highlands and less affected by pole shift if it occurs.

The catch: Climate. Areas with low elevations are desert with mild winters and extremely hot summers. Other weather conditions regardless of elevation such as thunderstorms and downpours can be devastating, especially if flash floods occur.

The Number One Safest Place on Earth - Africa

There is no doubt that Africa is the safest place anywhere in the planet because it is a stable continent that has largely remained unchanged for millions of years. It has the least number of fault lines known and an almost irrelevant number of volcanoes in the region.

Generally, African plains with at least 2,300 meters above sea level are considered a safe location. The continent itself it abundant with resources for survival and can be occupied with millions of people.

The catch: Survival in Africa means living by the Law of Nature wherein the weak dies, and the strong lives. If humans reached this place and lived against the doomsday, animals are going to be the next-door neighbours. Predators are likely to exist, plants may not be edible or worse poisonous species can sprout in forest areas, and diseases will likely cause another killing spree.

Malaria, leprosy, and cholera are common in Africa and its poor technology and economy makes vaccines and medication far from reach.

While these locations are considered the safest in the planet they, nevertheless, have their own pros and cons. Just keep in mind that there is no perfect place for survival on Earth.