Today is December 6. Only 15 more days to go and the much-hyped December 21 end of the world prediction on the Mayan Calendar of an apocalypse will occur. Are we ready for it?

Scientists from NASA have dismissed it as just plain misinterpretation of the Mayan calendar. But doomsday sayers still persist the world will indeed collapse on that fateful Friday before Christmas Day.

Whether true or not, IBT Australia made a random poll of people all over the world, asking them what would be their top priority 10 things to do before the sky turns dark and the earth opens up and gobbles all the peoples of the world.

Their replies ran from the mundane to the very serious.

10 - "I'll go skydiving! Although I don't know how to get the funds, but I sure wanna do this before the world ends. I imagine the rush, better than being gobbled up by the Earth," Norman, an artist, said.

9 - "I will splurge on all the material stuff I can get my hands on. I'll swipe my credit card like crazy. I don't have to worry anyway about bills and due dates since there will be no tomorrow to think of anymore," Cleo, a mom of two, said. "Finally, I get to own that luxury bag I've been lusting for so many years!"

8 - "I'll go to the spa and pamper myself," Kristina, a freelance writer, said. "If there's one thing I want to envision, is that I'm beautiful when I die!"

7 - "I'm diabetic, but if that end of the world is really true, I'll go on food bingeing!" recently separated Rufus said. "At least I won't get hungry over where I'm going because I'm already damn bloated!"

6 - "I'll go to the grocery now and hoard all the supplies I can get my hands on. And my family and I will gorge on those. We won't give the neighbors!" Ronald, a small-time entrepreneur, said.

5 - "I'll just do the same things I planned for the day," 50-year old Benj, a retired engineer, said.

4 - "I'll launch a search hunt for that guy I almost married five years ago. The wedding didn't push through because I got afraid. He's happily married now. I'll come to him and ask for a one-night stand. We'll have awesome sex. And then part ways the following day. I want just that memory to be with me when the world ends," Holland, a stockbroker, said.

3 - "I'll start going to the places that I've only seen on magazines so far. I'll go see the Eifel Tower. It sure looks romantic and majestic on pictures. Wonder if it really is up close," call center agent Lina said.

2 - "I'll go stalking after that movie and TV starlet of which I'm a huge fan of. She turns me on everytime. I'll steal a kiss!" basketball fanatic Greg said.

And lastly, 1 - "Pray that I get to heaven... nothing else matters," civil engineer Jocelyn said. "And one more thing, I hope everyone I love get there, too. The fare back could be extremely expensive! Hah!"

You, what would you do?