Died on November 30, 2013

2013 has been a cruel year that took away some of the finest actors we had. There were almost a hundred major names in show business, which are not going to be seen any more. There were actors who died of old age and there were those who died too young. Some of them were suffering for a long time and some of them died in accidents, while some even committed suicide. There is definitely going to be many bright possibilities in 2014, but these people will always be missed.

Deanna Durbin (Died on April 30, 2013)

Durbin was a child star in Hollywood, who was awarded the Juvenile Academy Award when she was 17. She appeared in films like the Judy Garland, 100 Men and a Girl and Three Smart Girls. Durbin was 91 when she died.

Jim Kelly (Died on June 6, 2013)

Kelly was best known for portraying Williams in Bruce Lee's Enter the Dragon. The extra-ordinary fighter in the film did not win his fight with cancer and died this year. He was quite popular for his hilarious one-liners. He was the first coloured martial artist to be successful in the show business. He was 67 when he died.

Cory Monteith (Died on July 13, 2013)

He was best known for his portrayal of Finn Hudson in the highly successful series on Fox, 'Glee'. Monteith was found dead in a Vancouver hotel room. Later on, the cause of his death was determined as a fatal combination of alcohol and heroin. He was just 31 when he died.

Gia Allemand (Died on August 14, 2013)

Allemand was known for the popular reality show 'The Bachelor'. She committed suicide by hanging. She was only 29 when she died.

Paul Walker (Died on November 30, 2013)

One of the most tragic deaths of the year, Walker was the victim of a car accident in Valencia. He was in a Porsche which his friend was driving. The 'Fast and Furious' star died of severe burning as the car caught after hitting a tree. His body was unrecognisable during the autopsy. He was 40 when he died.

Peter O'Toole (Died on December 15, 2013)

He was nominated for the Oscars no less than eight times. However, he was best known for his classic 'Lawrence of Arabia'. It was the first film that fetched him an Oscar nomination. The last time he was nominated for an Oscar was for 'Venus' in 2006. He was 81 when he died.