Manny Pacquiao has been dealing with tax problems both in the Philippines and the United States, putting his finance in big jeopardy. Several weeks ago, Pacman's lawyer, Atty Frank Gacal, believed that Michael Koncz should be blamed for the boxer's tax woes.

However, the legal representative dropped a far bigger bomb when he accused Pacman's adviser of aligning himself with Top-Rank Promotions big boss Bob Arum.

Gacal, who has served as Pacquiao's legal representative almost for his entire boxing career, believed Koncz has an agenda of his own, as he questioned the adviser's loyalty to the Filipino boxing champ.

"For this fight, Arum should not be involved. That is the only way for the fight to happen. Everybody wants the fight. Bob should give way if that is the only way. That is the advice I can give to Manny for now," Gacal said in an interview with Fight Hype.

Gacal also revealed that Koncz has been hiding Pacquiao's contract with Top-Rank from him, preventing him from analysing the terms and stipulations set forth on the document.

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"The current contract [between Top Rank and Pacquiao] was never shown to me. Mike hid it from me. He did not show the contract to me. He did not inform me. I told Mike, 'You know that it is for the best interest of Manny that no contract should be signed for the moment because apparently that is what Floyd [Mayweather] wants or his condition," Gacal said.

Pacman's legal representative said the boxer's current tax problem is a product of Koncz's negligence to hire accountants who could have settled discrepancies with the Philippines BIR and the United States' IRS.

Backing Up Ariza's Accusation

With all the accusation he hurled towards Koncz, Gacal almost hinted that there's a treachery brewing in Pacman's camp. Moreover, the lawyer' allegation surely backed up Alex Ariza's comments about Arum and greedy intention.

"It's not about what's best for the fighter. It's clear as to why the Pacquiao-Mayweather fight has never happened. It's always about what's best for Bob and his agenda...Let me ask you something, why is it that Bob can do a co-promotion with everybody else out there,?" Ariza said in past interview with Fight Hype.

"He can do a co-promotion with anyone, DiBella, this guy, that guy, but he won't do a co-promotion when it comes to Manny Pacquiao fighting somebody. Whoever Manny fights, he has to fight in-house. Why is that do you think? I wonder why...I know that Michael Koncz says that he's having a meeting with Bob to negotiate the Mayweather fight."

"They're having a meeting on how to make sure that this fight doesn't happen. That's what their meeting is about...We still are sticking firm. I think that's the fight that everybody wants to see."

Ariza had been a vocal member of the Pacman's camp before their split earlier this year after his relationship with head trainer Freddie Roach deteriorated.

With Ariza's comments and Gacal's allegation, there's no doubt of the presence of suspicion on the identity of Koncz as a member of team Pacman. Whether he's ally or a traitor, only Pacquiao can sense the true color of his adviser.