Goodbye 2013, Hello 2014! The predictions are up and it's a mix of good and bad but everyone should pay attention as this New Year will bring fortune and misfortune in all parts of the world. 2013 has been a rough year when it comes to economy and natural calamities and 2014 is going to hand another series of calamities and economic concerns that will test everyone's resiliency.

The Year of the Horse according to Chinese calendar is known as the year for leaders who wants make a difference in the world. 2014 is a year filled with grit, determination, vitality, endurance and true spirit that will keep everyone strong in a year full of turning points.

2014 will open a new period of fate and the horse will this lead this period to carry out psychic research as new techniques are being developed to record paranormal phenomena. According to Chinese astrology, this year more and more people will cater for alternative medicine and people will crave for peaceful existence.

This is the year where people will get together and help each other, since more calamities will occur around the world. To have a better understanding of what's in store for 2014, here is a complete 12-month prediction based on the visions of psychic Jeanne Mayell of

January 2014

  • Floods in the Northeast
  • Health insurance shake-up; Hurricane that affects eastern Mexico
  • Coastline with a lot of boats with ramps down and people walking down the ramps (like Noah's Ark)
  • Italian and German cheese conspiracy
  • Unique astrophysicists' discoveries
  • Sailboats with people in summer clothing, vertical, like a tidal wave
  • Seas with boats
  • Caribbean island on top of mountains looking down on other
  • Angels rising up - great news! Good!
  • Man with glasses and balding head back of head on a coin (perhaps this is about the Federal Reserve chairman's actions)
  • Good karmic events
  • New reconciliation in the world, economy big boost, stock market new highs.

February 2014

  • Elephant party (GOP) mad
  • Bad influenza outbreak and SARS reappears in Japan and China
  • A big decision to be made
  • Baby toddler doing a line dance in pastel pants (see also next vision)
  • Baby dolls wrapped in little blankets, lined up next to each other, cute, (see reference to Shirley Temple and revival of the old below)
  • Heartbreak, something sad, children lost
  • Rain California
  • Banned raisins
  • A cartoon mouse with big pink ears
  • Storms, bad weather people stranded in cars on a highway
  • Big iceberg falling
  • Queen Elizabeth ill, Iceland, oil drilling problem, problem in Turkey

March 2014

  • Prince Harry gets engaged and Obama has health scare
  • Freedom and relief
  • Information flowing in a triangle motion between England, Scotland, and Ireland
  • Montana mourns a leader lost
  • Storms on Cape Cod effecting beaches
  • People running into the streets
  • New "light" discovery

April 2014

  • Autism news; terrorism in England
  • More Cape Cod storm news - affecting structural integrity of land along coast
  • Umbrellas everywhere (a lot of rain), farmers needing hand-outs
  • Someone famous told they have cancer
  • Tears. Gentle rain, monkeys
  • A possible meeting between three superpowers
  • Too much violence
  • Volcanic eruption, smoke ash everywhere on an island.
  • Government issue, international, United Nations
  • New fun type of vehicle

May 2014

  • Positive growth
  • Sunshine, happy girl, Shirley Temple: revival of the old (probably related to baby doll images in February)
  • Bells ringing in joy
  • Stock market on the move (up)
  • Resurrection, a time of new beginnings, love conquering fear
  • Lots of sun but then some snow (New England)
  • A new kind of car
  • Horses running, horse jockey, red helmet and white stripes
  • Gay marriage in 20 states
  • Huge shake-up about genetically modified foods and new laws,
  • Air turbulence in a large yellow cargo plane
  • A new great discovery
  • Blizzard Midwest

June 2014

  • Tainted medicine, Unrest in South Africa, new government in Libya
  • Ice caps in the news
  • Flotilla of tall ships
  • Fish/whales, seas, Scandinavia
  • Flowering, blue skies
  • Amelia Earhart in the news
  • Economy's best growth! Jobs up!

July 2014

  • Cancer scare for Queen Elizabeth II and a mishap on the ocean
  • Hot, record heat, sweat
  • Too hot
  • Drought and people crying for water.
  • African wildlife - hippos, alligators, hairless mole
  • Quill pen signing an agreement, new moon (new beginnings)

August 2014

  • Arizona
  • Rings of fire
  • New pregnancy for Will and Kate
  • Bad hurricane toward Puerto Rico
  • Arrests, handcuffs, trials, murderers (multiple)
  • Yankee Stadium during a game
  • Moon, Denmark

September 2014

  • Shine, police scandal
  • War
  • Statue of Liberty with the tarot magician in the center of a ring of fire.
  • Gasping for breath, cool nights
  • Mass millions lottery in the news
  • Problems with Apple, unexpected large company fails or bad results

October 2014

  • End of war
  • In U.S.A. celebrations, good news for the people on front page
  • Bixby (Bill and Paul) money, limo's
  • Money: Old presidents meeting in colonial home.
  • Overcoming dark past
  • October 14, Doomsday, parade
  • Comet passes close to us, almost collides with earth, snow mobile accident,

November 2014

  • Victory
  • Train upside down,
  • Scientists, not truthful, psychotics, aliens & UFO's.
  • Cacti, drought, southwest
  • Baby chimp in mother's carrier - loving
  • A air of giving, using all parts and everything
  • News about genetics- big discovery, news about NASA
  • Information revealed
  • Titanic event

December 2014

  • Gavel: important court decision
  • UFO's, Catholics, Revelations, Pope's scandal
  • Peace accord attempt in the Middle East, pirates
  • Dignitaries signed documents
  • Cranberries, celebration, light in darkness
  • Good turn of events
  • Big joy! Celebrations worldwide!