New Android games are populating the Google Play Store, and these top three picks are the must-plays that you should try out once they're out.

Plants vs. Zombies 2: Far Future

After a long wait for that shadowed worled in the Plants vs. Zombies 2 app to be introduced, PopCap has finally rolled out the latest update, which introduces The Far Future world.

"The Far Future world has arrived featuring new plants and new zombies... from the future!"

In addition, there are new Power TIiles and an increase in the effects of the Plant Food. Those who have played the first installmento of the game may be missing the Zen Garden, which also makes a comeback with the new update. PopCap gives a hint in the Google Play Store description of what's to come with the Zen Garden:

"Tend to your garden and be rewarded with extra BOOM in your blooms." The Zen Garden used to be a place where you can gather coins when you grow your marigolds as well as other plants but it remains to be seen how this will work out for Plants vs. Zombies 2. Check out the update here.

Captain America: TWS

Gameloft certain deserves the top developer recognition over at Google Play Store. And after churning out works like Despicable Me, Thor: TDW - The Official Game. Iron Man 3 - The Official Game and Ice Age Village--all movie tie-ups--it's coming out with another game, Captain America: TWS.

However, there's a catch. While the other games have been mostly free-to-play and very enjoyable at that, Captain America: TWS is only free for the first two levels of the game as it is only a demo version.

Here, you'll be playing as Captain America with your own S.H.I.E.L.D. Strike Team as you try to fight criminal organizations. What's more, it's about harvesting the potential of your team while also having Black Widow and Falcon as potential aids.

The storyline is co-written by Christos Gage, a Marvel Comics writer, while Marvel villains will make an appearance, including King Cobra, Puff Adder Winter Soldier, Taskmaster and more.

Multiplayer is also available, as well as weapons enhancements, unlockables, and upgradeables. You can download Captain America: TWS here.

Little Big Adventure

This RPG, action and adventure game has been in the PC since 1994, but it's now going into mobile territory as it gets onto the iOS. While the Android port is not yet out--it will be soon, according to Phone Arena--it seems like a pretty good game that should be on your list of to-download once it's released.

However, don't expect the game to be free, since the iOS version will already run you at $5.29, so it's possible that a similar price tag will be available for the Android version.

Basically, Little Big Adventure revolves around Twinsen from Citadel Island, which is currently under a dictator's reign. The twist here is that Twinsen is sent into an asylum by the main antagonist and this is where the protagonist will try to escape from. An even bigger twist is that you'll learn that you're from a long line of magicians. Can your adventure get any bigger?

The gameplay of the app has been optimized for touch mode with an easy interface and a tutorial to start you off in the game. In case you also have an iPhone or iPad, you can already check out the game here.


Touch Foo has created what is touted to be the "#1 mobile Adventure game in the U.S. and other counties," which is Swordigo.

It's an adventure game that lets you go through magical realms and dungeons, look for treasures, and hunt down devious monsters. According to Android Police, Swordigo features an old school feel with the animation, side-scroller approach, and the fact that you have a hero who sets out on an epic quest to save the world from evil.

All in all, the sights, sounds, and features all collaborate to create a pretty good game that will keep you playing on your smartphones. The gameplay is pretty much optimized for both smartphones and tables and customizable enough so you can play the way you need to. You can download Swordigo here.

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