"The Amazing Spider-Man" is the reboot of the Spiderman franchise, and made an early release in the US and in some Asian countries.

There is a recent success of superhero films. Last March, Joss Whedon's "the Avengers" topped all box office movie charts for weeks. This summer, a reboot of the spider man movie will come on your way.

Unfortunately, this is not "Spider-Man 4" like many claimed. The reboot will tell a new story of Peter Parker. Actor Andrew Garfield will star in this whole new film opposite off screen girlfriend and Hollywood's "It" girl Emma Stone.

The film divided the critics. Some critics and reviewers say that the reboot is awesome, especially the acting of Andrew Garfield. However, there are critics that say that the reboot is a total mess in many ways.

However, below are the five reasons why the film about the young Spidey is better than the film of his colleagues in Marvel.

  1. Larger Target Market - The reboot shifts its target market to youngsters and teens by casting a younger protagonist and exploring a different side of Peter Parker. Teens will definitely enjoy and relate to this film that will benefit the producers in terms of gross. "The Avengers" has an older target market.
  2. Stronger Villain - The villain in the new Spiderman film is a stronger. The Lizard also gives the impression that it can eat and defeat the young spidey. Moreover, there is internal conflict with the villain trying to determine whether to do the right thing or to achieve his ambitions. In "The Avengers," Loki did not do much of fighting and there is nothing amazing about his character.
  3. Better Plot - Critics said that the plot of "The Amazing Spider-Man" is not handled very well. However, it has a better sense of direction than "The Avengers." Moreover, it showed the different sides of Peter Parker. We see his mischievous, smart, vengeful, romantic, and caring sides.
  4. Suggested Sequel - Just like "The Avengers" film, audience is treated with a short clip after the credits that suggested a sequel of the film.
  5. Special Effects - One of the selling points of "The Amazing Spider-Man" is its special effects. The audience will not be disappointed with the fight scenes.

Watch the 4-minute extended trailer and see the slideshow of the stills of the upcoming summer film, "The Amazing Spider-Man" that will invade Australian theatres on July 4.