A recent article published in Health Magazine revealed some common restaurant mistakes that healthy people on a diet might make unconsciously, impeding their quest for weight loss. Listed here are 5 of the most common mistakes healthy people make.

Mistakes you didn't realize you did

  • Most dieters believe that if they use a smaller plate they'll be eating less so they lose weight and stay healthy.

To debunk that belief, it is not about the plate; it's what one eats and how the food was cooked. One can put little amounts of food on your plate each time, but if one goes for second servings then that is not very healthy. Ask for foods that are grilled or steamed as they will make you lose weight rather than look for smaller plates.

  • One of the restaurant mistakes healthy people make is that they usually order salads.

What many diners fail to realize is that most chefs add butter or oil to give flavor to the dish. The best thing to do is to ask for "dry salad" instead. You can ask them to separate the serving of the dressing so you have more control.

  • Everybody loves steak.

When you want to eat healthy, you order lean meat, right? The tricky part is those that are served with your steak. Most restaurants serve them with side dishes cooked in butter or sauce. Most people think that this is still healthy, but they should know better. You can ask that yours be without those side dishes or you can ask for a side order of grilled lemon just so you'll have some flavor on your steak.

  • Looks can be deceiving.

Foods look more appetizing when served in a different way but you shouldn't let it distract you from being aware of what is served on your plate. Check out the portioning as there might be more carbohydrates or the salad has unhealthy dressing. Identifying small details like these can really go a long way.

  • Another common mistake made is just ordering without asking questions.

A diner may be familiar with the restaurant or the chef but it is still wiser to ask questions. You might see in the menu "grilled" or "steamed" but you will never know what other components have been added. It is therefore better to ask if there is cream, butter, or oil in the dish. It won't hurt to ask (Considering the possible consequences, it will hurt NOT to ask.). Health-conscious individuals tend to ask more about how their food was prepared to ensure that they are being served the healthiest of foods.

These restaurant mistakes healthy people make are quite common and often times overlooked. For healthier eating, it is advisable to be mindful and to be inquisitive rather than relying on whatever is readily available.

Sources for this article include:

  • http://www.health.com
  • http://www.fitsugar.com
  • http://www.besthealthmag.ca

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/041444_restaurants_dietary_mistakes_food_portions.html#ixzz2amNPluto