Running marathon distances isn’t that hard, "once you're in the groove". Picture: Carmel Denniss

It only takes just 650 miles more before Australian Ph.D. holder Tom Denniss reaches his finish line to break the world record for travelling the globe by foot. The Aussie math and oceanography doctorate started his record-breaking journey on Dec 13, 2011, and is all set to finish by Sept 13, 2013.

For all his days spent running, Dr Denniss said that his daily run is compared a full marathon which he ends with just a glass of wine or beer. He has been able to raise somewhere around $33,000 for Oxfam Australia, aside from his priority goal of beating the record of 662 days under the same category made by a Danish guy by the name of Jesper Olsen way back in 2005.

His epic marathon, measuring at 26,000km, also means he has travelled across South and North America, New Zealand, Asia, Europe and Australia. The father of two sons who used to work as an investment banker admits it is not that hard to wake up early just to run the entire day. The aspiring record-breaker shared in an interview with that all it takes is for him to put his mind to it and get used to it again as each day passes.

Denniss' Passion And Secret For Running

Dr Denniss has always been passionate with running not just with the health benefits he gets from it but it allows him to see the world's natural beauty. He considers all his experiences as incredible and worthwhile even if some of them has put his own life at risk.

He finds it odd though that Andes being one of his most favoured runs was where he once slipped in a deadly ice cliff.

When asked if he maintains a special diet regimen, he mentioned nothing extraordinary but eating meat pies like other normal people. But of course, his ultimate motivation comes from his support group led by his own wife, Carmel.

Setting an Inspiration for Others to Follow

Dr Denniss ultimately hopes to be an inspiration to others to the rest out there to make a huge difference in the world. His Web site called Tom Tracker has maintained a strong presence via social media where all his followers are updated with every track he takes.

When asked of his plans after he gets back to Sydney, Dr Denniss said with determination that he is set to do a biking trip that will last for a week.