Proper skincare matters
IN PHOTO: Miss Universe South Africa 2012, Melinda Bam, retouches her makeup Reuters/ Miss Universe Organiz

Every time you see your celebrity idol’s picture, don’t you just wish you also have her flawless skin? Many celebrities have gorgeous skin that they no longer have to undergo expensive treatments like surgery to look attractive. Here are some celebrity skincare tips for women from famous personalities.

  1. Sunscreen. The sun can cause extreme damage to your skin which is why it’s a must to apply sunscreen. Nicole Kidman and Shakira are just some of the celebrities out there who religiously apply sunscreen to keep their complexion flawless.
  2. Antioxidants. Taking or applying antioxidants is another practice many actresses swore to. Halle Berry for instance uses vitamin C, even applies it directly on her skin. Meanwhile, Emily Blunt uses resveratrol to keep her skin glowing according to her facialist Lorencin-Northrup.
  3. Face pats. Patting your face is also the easiest way to make it firm and radiant looking. Loa Blasucci said that patting improves blood flow on the face thus giving it an instant lift and gets rid of dullness.
  4. Hydrate. Drinking lots of water is a must for beautiful skin because it keeps skin hydrated from the inside. Another technique is to apply moisturizer on your face and neck.
  5. Facial exercises. Many Asian celebrities use facial exercises to maintain their youthful glow. This is one way to promote proper blood flow to your face. There are lots of tutorials for facial exercises online.
  6. Exfoliate. Exfoliation is the process of removing dead skin cells from the surface of our skin. Christine Chin uses glycolic peels and microdermabrasion for clients like Naomi Campbell.
  7. Facial. Bobbi Brown recommends using an exfoliating cleanser once a month followed by a hydrating cream. Facials remove dead skin cells allowing new skin cells to surface and make you look younger.

Apply these celebrity skincare tips for women to have healthy, glowing, and younger looking skin just like you favourite actresses. They’re easy to follow while some won’t even cost you a lot of money.

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