7 Super Fruits That Aid Digestion
Do you often experience digestive problems like constipation and improper bowel movement? Don’t worry because you’re not the only one facing this dilemma. The kind of food we eat and our lifestyle contribute to the proper or improper functions of our digestive system. Keep it in perfect working condition with adding these seven super fruits that aid digestion into your diet.
- Apple
Apples are rich in vitamins and minerals, specifically in vitamin C which helps prevent constipation. It also contains pectin, an essential nutrient that keeps the intestines healthy.
- Banana
This yellow fruit is bursting with potassium. This nutrient restores lost electrolytes and it aids during contraction of intestines in bowel movement. Banana has high fibre content too that encourages proper digestion.
- Papaya
The papaya is a very delicious fruit that’s naturally sweet and smooth. The best part is it has papain which plays a vital role in breaking down protein during digestion.
- Tomatoes
Red juicy tomatoes are also best for the digestive system. They contain potassium and magnesium and a large dose of lycopene. They’re also a good source of vitamin C. These nutrients are important in maintaining proper digestive health.
- Avocado
Avocado is one of the best sources of natural fibre which sweeps the walls of the intestines. It is also a good source of monounsaturated fats which helps the pancreas and gall bladder to function properly.
- Pineapple
Another fruit that’s very rich in fibre is the pineapple. It also has bromelain which has anti-inflammatory property that promotes proper digestion of food especially after a surgical operation.
- Berries
Fruits that belong to the family of berries such as strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries are loaded with vitamin C and fibre. They can help soften stool and improve bowel movement.
Make it a habit to include these seven super fruits that aid digestion into your diet. Eating even just small portions of these fruits daily can already keep your digestive system in excellent health.
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