A national organization of key players in the aviation and aerospace industry will give the sector a strong voice in public policy and planning.

Association of Aviation and Aerospace Industries (A4I) chairman Mark Ross said, “We're really looking at having a voice for our members that will influence policies and regulations that contribute to our ability to compete in a global environment.”

The managing director of Boeing Aerostructures Australia also emphasized that his experience with the Canadian aerospace sector has prompted him to form a group that could influenced policy in areas such as training and industry promotion in domestic and international forums.

A4I plans to use the $500,000 grant from the Victorian government in order to become self-sustaining. Ross, however, quickly dismissed fears that the group will compete with airlines in Australia but rather with the global market.

The A4I board of directors includes Aerostaff Australia managing director Steve Roebuck, Marand Precision Engineering managing director David Ellul, Lovitt Technologies' Mike Ramsay, and Flight Safety Foundation regional director Paul Fox. The board is set for its very first meeting today.

The composition of the board is mainly from the aerospace side, but Ross said they are actively working on getting representation from the aviation sector. He said, “I expect we'll be successful in getting a couple more members to represent that side of our industry group.”