AC/DC drummer Philip Rudd has been ordered to pay three of his restaurant employees $72,000 for unfairly dismissing them. Alice Kiwa, Janelle Kiwa, and Hayden Clark filed a case with the Employment Relations Authority after they were fired from Phil’s Place.

According to the suit, an altercation involving Rudd, the owner of the Tauranga Marina restaurant, and the employees took place on July 18, 2012.

Rudd entered his restaurant and asked for an antipasto platter to be delivered to his boat. But communication confusion with his security guard had sent another waitress to deliver the meal to his aircraft hanger rather than to his boat.

The rocker then went back to the restaurant, kicking back the door to should, “Where is my f****** meal.”

Alice, Janelle, and Clark then tried to explained the mix-up, but Rudd didn’t want to hear their excuse, yelling at them, “You’re all f****** useless.” He told them they were fired before he kicked the rubbish bin and left the restaurant.

Clark, the chef who was paid on salary, was asked by the manager not to leave as there were customers in the restaurant. However, he was escorted out of the premises.

Alice and Janelle were both paid hourly wages.

According to 3 News, Rudd arranged for his accountant to the employees for his behaviour two days later. The accountant told them that the restaurant would close for winter and they had no jobs.

Rudd only apologised in person 18 months later.

ERA member Tania Tetitaha ruled that the three complainants were permanent employees of the restaurant because of their work history, adding that they were unjustifiably dismissed. They were said to have variously suffered from depression, been made homeless, and subjected to false accusations of theft.

She ordered Rudd to pay each of them $15,000 compensation, as well as thousands of dollars in lost wages.

The AC/DC rocker was also ordered to pay the trio’s legal costs of $8500. His total bill amounted to $72,600.