As if the racist rant he received from a Collingwood fan on Friday was not enough, Adam Goodes suffered yet another backlash, this time from the group's very own president, Eddie McGuire. Not only was it a conduct unbecoming of a group president, but it was purely racial and discriminatory as well.

However, to Mr McGuire it may have been a simple joke, but it created a ripple of uproar in Australian sports history.

On Wednesday morning on his Triple M radio program, which he co-hosts with Luke Darcy, Mr McGuire suggested that Mr Goodes be used to promote the musical King Kong.

The conversation went as follows:

Darcy: What a great promo that is for King Kong.
McGuire: Get Adam Goodes down for it do you reckon?
Darcy: No I wouldn't have thought so, absolutely not.
McGuire: You can see them doing that can't you?
Darcy: Who?
McGuire: Goodsey.
Darcy: What's that?
McGuire: You know with the ape thing, the whole thing, I'm just saying the pumping him up and mucking around and all that sort of stuff.

McGuire's comments created a massive reaction on Twitter. The handles "King Kong", "Eddie McGuire" and "Eddie" trended nationally.

Tweeter users poured their support for Goodes.

Fellow AFL star Nic Naitanui simply said: "Eddie, Eddie Eddie #why #poordarcy."

John Longmire, coach of Swans, said he was "staggered" when he heard Mr McGuire's seemingly racist rant against Swans champion Mr Goodes that was heard by almost everyone tuned into Melbourne radio.

"Eddie was very close to the situation that occurred last Friday night and he saw first hand how upset Adam was. I just can't believe he said it," Mr Longmire said, referring to the racist taunt the Sydney star received from a Magpies fan just five days ago.

Read: Racism in Australia, Unfortunately it Still Exists

"He (Goodes) is still trying to come to terms with how it could happen," Longmire said. "We are all still trying to come to terms with it," the Swans coach added.

It was Mr Goodes himself who informed his coach of the hurtful, racist description.

After a commercial break, Mr McGuire returned on air to clarify his comments.

"Just to clear up when we were talking about King Kong there and I was mumbling my way through about Goodsey. I was trying to say imagine the old days of trying to get people in for publicity," the Collingwood president said.

"I mumbled my way through that, so anyone who thought that I was having a go or being a smart alec, I take that back. Neither do I, I was that exhausted this morning, so apologies for that."

"I was off on a tangent somewhere. Just in case people think 'What the hell's he on about?', I've got no idea either."