The Australian Industry Group (AiGroup) welcomes the end to a two-week political uncertainty. Yet the business group calls for stakeholders other than the independents and the Greens to participate in governance.

The AiGroup's chief executive Heather Ridout emphasized that “While the 'new politics' will involve a much higher level of consultation in the Parliament, it is also critical that other stakeholders, including business, are fully engaged to achieve lasting advances.”

In a media statement, Ridout pointed at three issues to take the first part of the action during the short-term. She said priority should be given to the development of a strong skills base, “a fully-functioning research and development tax incentive and enhanced support for the development of export markets,” and a “new workplace relations system.”

The group head proposed a slight shift from the mining industry to “the non-mining export and import-competing industries such as manufacturing, tourism and agriculture” during the skills productivity conference yesterday.

Ridout has also zeroed in on immigration. She said, bipartisanship should be restored in order to “cut through the politics and rebuild integrity around this divisive policy area, an eminent and independent mediator could be appointed.”

The AiGroup head placed climate change, taxation reforms, population issues, and infrastructure development in the medium-term agenda.