Good news to those seeking jobs in the Canadian airline industry. Air Canada Rouge is on the lookout for additional flight attendants in 2014 to service its growing fleet as it expands its service to include Calgary and Vancouver this spring.

The airline company has a target to fill in a total 650 workforce by end of 2014. It said its aircraft fleet is expected to grow to 33 this year once its parent company Air Canada receives its new Boeing 777 and 787 aircraft.

Air Canada Rouge is specifically targeting applicants who are "young at heart, people who love interacting with others, value teamwork, can think on their feet, and of course, love to travel." Average age is preferably 25 years old.

The company will be immediately conducting interviews later this month in Vancouver. successful applicants will then be required to live within a 90-minute drive of Vancouver International Airport.

Compensation packages start at $25,000 a year, on a minimum of 75 flying hours.

"We're creating good jobs in major Canadian cities for young people and we're excited about doing that and so far the customer response to our crews has been very positive," Renee Smith-Valade, vice-president customer experience, said.

Air Canada Rouge has elicited interest from the younger jobseekers because once hired, the employees get to fly immediately on international routes.

"For Rouge crew who start with us they're immediately flying international routes, so that's attractive," Ms Valade told CTV News.

Launched in July 2013, Air Canada Rouge started with just four planes. But it added six more at the end of the same year.

The airline currently has 220 workers. Another 110 will start training next week in Toronto and Montreal.

Details of Vancouver and Calgary routes and fares will be announced in the coming weeks.

Air Canada Rouge currently flies to destinations in Europe and the Caribbean, Mexico and the United States.