Recently, the "30 Rock Star" slammed the media for spoiling his personal life. Alec Baldwin in a confessional post commented, "provoke me, daily, by getting dangerously close to me with their cameras as weapons, hoping I will react."

Baldwin is ready to give up his Hollywood career and he blames the media and paparazzi for the same. He recently told Huffington Post that his retirement is a possibility.

"If quitting the television business, the movie business, the theater, any component of entertainment, is necessary in order to bring safety and peace to my family, then that is an easy choice," Baldwin wrote.

Baldwin also blamed Hizzoner and fourth estate. He suggested that the prime cause of his rude behaviour resulted from the incompetence of elected people in Washington.

He mentioned that the nation's obsession with private lives of renowned people is heartbreaking.

"It's tragic in the sense that it is so clearly a projection of people's frustration about their government, their economy, their own spiritual bankruptcy," Baldwin commented.

He mentioned that his MSNBC talk show might come to an end very soon.

"Whether the show comes back at all is at issue right now. But if the show dies, its fate ends up being no different than the vast majority of startup TV programming, and so be it."

Baldwin's show was launched last month. But it lost about 41% of its audience of adults (25 to 54) during the first month itself.

Last week his show was suspended for two weeks for making homophobic and rude remarks to a photographer.

Industry speculated that executives at MSNBC were unhappy with Baldwin's ratings but insiders revealed that it was rumour.

Baldwin defended himself (on his alleged gay remarks).

"My friends who happen to be gay are baffled by this. They see me as one who has recently fought for marriage equality and has been a supporter of gay rights for many years." Baldwin explained.

He insisted that he never called the photographer a f---g. But, he mentioned that he is unsure about what exactly he said to the photographer.

Finally, he slammed the tabloid media.

"In Bloomberg's New York, 40 or 50 paparazzi are allowed to block streets, inconvenience homeowners, workers and shoppers, and make life miserable for my neighbours," Baldwin wrote.