All-Female Quintuplets Born In Houston On April 8

Danielle Busby set a record in the US on April 8 by delivering the first set of all-female quintuplets in the country. She gave birth via caesarian section in just four minutes at The Woman’s Hospital of Texas.
The hospital announced the good news on Tuesday, reports Fox News. The newborns were 28 weeks and two days. Busby and husband Adam has a daughter prior to the quintuplets, Blayke.
The couple named their five daughters Olivia Marie, Ava Lane, Hazel Grace, Parket Kate and Riley Paige. The six daughters of the Busbys were the result of intrauterine insemination.
Dr Alexander Reiter, maternal-fetal medicine specialist of Houston Perinatal Associated, and over a dozen medical staff delivered the quintuplets. Reiter said the second-time mum is a trooper and her positive attitude was felt throughout her pregnancy and delivery.
The newborns are in the appropriate weight range for their gestational age, said The Women’s Hospital of Texas NICU Medical Director Dr Jayne Finkowski-Rivera. It was a result of the mother’s efforts to have the healthiest pregnancy possible.
There were only 66 quintuplets and other higher order births born in the US in 2013, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. In Germany, another record is set to be broken as a 65-year-old German schoolteacher is scheduled to give birth in June to quadruplets. That woman has 13 children and seven grandchildren.
A grateful Danielle said, “I honestly give all the credit to my God. I am so thankful for this wonderful hospital and team of people here. They truly all are amazing,” quotes CNN.
More stories from the Busbys as the five and their elder sister grow up in their family blog, It’s A Buzz World.
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