More leaks about the specifications of the Samsung Galaxy Gear smartwatch are coming out in media ahead of its Sept 4 official unboxing in Berlin, Germany as a pre-IFA event.

The timepiece will have onboard WiFi and Bluetooth, a 3-inch OLED display and 4-megapixel camera integrated into its strap, reported Slashgear.

But the portal added that the smartwatch, apparently the most anticipated in the market, would also have a role to pay in the health of the owner because it could use the camera as a food-logging tool and then tag the image of their meal with type to create a diet diary.

Source: IBT

The watch is also capable of measuring heart rate with its integrated sensor and also functions as a pedometer and calorie intake tracker which could be used to create a customised workout.

The South Korean tech giant is reportedly working with a third party company for an app that would devise workout routines based on the wearer's lost weight, energy and other factors.

Like Google Glass, it is also supposed to have gesture-based navigation and voice-command control using Samsung's S Voice system as well as preloaded apps for social media, Internet access and phone logs.

Its battery life is expected to last more than 10 hours.

These specs are based on a prototype version of the Galaxy Gear shown to VentureBeat.

Besides the Berlin unveiling, reports indicate there will be a simultaneous launch on Wednesday of the device in New York, and this Twitter photo seems to support that.

Source: Twitter