Bruce Jenner sex change rumors seem to have ripened. The former Olympian made his first appearance since the alleged Apple's Adam's surgery on Feb. 10 in L.A. where he looked more feminine then ever. Kris Jenner's ex husbands' skin and neck appeared smoother and what added more fuel to sex change rumors, was his new ombre hairstyle.

Jenner had highlights in his hair and from the snapshots taken by Radaronline, it looked as if he is in the middle of growing his hair long.

According to, "The former Olympian's hair seemed extra full of body, leading Radar Online to speculate that he was sporting new hair plugs. Bruce's long locks also appeared to be trendily dyed lighter at the ends."

Though Bruce Jenner has denied sex change rumors and laryngeal shave procedure, his recent appearances in public have a different story to tell.

First, came the manicured nails and Kris Jenner saying in an interview that Bruce uses clear nail polish on his nails. Then, came diamond studs and now the allegedly reduced Adam's apple and full blown girly hairstyle. Do you think all this hints towards Bruce Jenner sex change rumors?

Radaronline has reported that Bruce Jenner is not in agreement with his sex change rumors and he has got the Adam's apple surgery because he did not like his appearance.

On the contrary, celebrated TV Dr Phil Mcgraw recently hinted in the "Inside Pages" that Bruce may be transitioning towards sex change.

Meanwhile, Bruce Jenner's daughter's Kylie and Kendall Jenner are quite confused as to what is going in their father's life. As source told the Web site, "Kylie and Kendall just don't know what to think. It's extremely confusing for them to grasp. It's been especially hard for 16-year-old Kylie because some of her friends have made jokes about Bruce's looks."

"The ridicule aimed at Bruce's looks on social media has also taken a toll on Kendall and Kylie. Kendall continues to spend time with her dad, while Kylie hasn't been hanging out as much with Bruce, unless it's for filming," says the source further.

Bruce Jenner sex change rumors are turning mysterious day by day. His appearances say something else and sources close to him say otherwise. It seems the Kardashian fans have to wait and watch for the mystery to unfold.