Many celebrities, sport personalities, and other well-known figures are taking part in the ice bucket challenge to raise public awareness for the Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig's disease, an illness which affects the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord that control voluntary muscular systems within the body. Charting the success of the ALS ice bucket challenge craze that have been sweeping social media channels by storm, we have round up the best of the best, in no particular order.

Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga has accepted the ALS ice bucket challenge and she did it in complete silence. She neither said a word nor cringe when she poured the freezing water over her head. It is quite understood that before a person takes on the challenge, he or she must nominate another person to do it to make the campaign spread, but the pop star didn't dare anyone to join the craze.

Video courtesy: YouTube/ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Iggy Azalea

Iggy Azalea was nominated by Jennifer Lopez and she was more than willing to do. The Aussie-born singer-rapper looked stunningly flawless and sexy in a two-piece neon orange bathing suit. Iggy then nominated fellow musicians T.I, Charli XCX, and Rita Ora.

Video courtesy: YouTube/ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Cristiano Ronaldo

Real Madrid superstar Cristiano Ronaldo added a little flair in his ice bucket challenge. Instead of simply dumping a bucket of ice water over his head, Ronaldo has stripped down to his undies to do the dare. thought it was the sexiest ice bucket challenge.

Video courtesy: YouTube/ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Paul Bissonette

Canadian professional hockey player who is currently a free agent, Paul Bissonnette, has taken the ice bucket challenge literally to great heights. Bissonnette's take on the ALS awareness campaign involved a mountain, a chopper, and glacier ice water. There was even a background music in the video. He called out LeBron James, Aaron Rodgers, and Russell Wilson, who have all taken part in the cause.

Video courtesy: YouTube/Bradley Friesen

Bill Gates

Billionaire and Microsoft founder Bill Gates was challenged by Mark Zuckerberg and he did it by creating a contraption that would spare him from pouring the ice water himself. In the video, Gates was seen delineating a design and trying it out a simulated model. Gates even put on a welder's mask to finish the last details of his creation.

Video courtesy: YouTube/ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Novak Djokovic

Serbian tennis athlete and currently World No. 1 Novak Djokovic accepted One Direction's Niall Horan's challenge. He showed off his dancing skills in the fun video he shared on his official YouTube channel. Novak grooved on and busted his dancing moves to Vanilla Ice's "Ice Ice Baby." He nominated Michael Jordan, Mr. Bean, and Conchita Wurst next.

Video courtesy: YouTube/Novak Djokovic

Nina Dobrev

Nina Dobrev has also joined the movement for ALS awareness, adding a little twist of her own. She stripped down to her bikini and took the ice and freezing water pouring over her head before jumping off the boat and plummeting into the ocean.

Video courtesy: YouTube/Instagram Trendz

George Takei

Star Trek's George Takei answered Amazon's Jeff Bezo's ice bucket challenge. Takei used a green screen to create effects while filming. He called out Buzz Aldrin, Neil deGrasse Tyson, and Sir Ian McKellen.

Video courtesy: YouTube/George Takei & Allegiance

New York Jets

The New York Jets needed a little help from the local fire department after Jimmy Fallon nominated them. A fire hose was used to ensure that the entire team will get soaked.

Video courtesy: YouTube/kowalski989

As of Aug. 19, The ALS Association has received a total of $22.9 million in donations. Its mission is to "fight to treat and cure ALS through global research and nationwide advocacy."