Amanda Bynes has been hogging the headlines lately for all the wrong reasons - strange behaviour, suspected marijuana use, a run-in with police authorities, heck, even her eschewed platinum blonde wig has not been spared from awful nitpicking.

Looks like the 27-year-old actress' troubles are here to stay, unless of course she decides that she's had enough of it. But looks like that's far from happening, as the former Nickolodeon star just recently picked up a Twitter fight with Barbadian singer Rihanna. She called her "ugly" in full view of all her followers and just about everyone who has access to the micro blogging site.

This is not the first time, though. Amanda seems to have a predilection for picking up word fights on the net as her track record reveals. So who has the "dishonour" of making up her Twitter victims list? Some were even bigger spats, here they are:

1. Jay-Z - Goddess Amanda likes calling people "ugly" as she did so too with the rapper. But she could not stand by it so she deleted the post as quickly as she posted it. Those who blinked missed the fun. Thankfully, the tirade didn't deserve a minute of Beyonce's time. Amanda's attention calling antic was an epic fail.

2. Jenny McCarthy - She learned the painful way - don't tweet anything Amanda-related if you don't want to be publicly disgraced. See, Jenny just re-tweeted reports saying that the police were raiding Amanda's apartment in NYC (which happened, anyway). The succeeding scenario saw Amanda tweeting, again, calling Jenny "ugly" and "old." She denied the police was ever at her apartment and went on to say: "Aren't you 50 years old? I'm 27, u look 80 compared to me! Why are you talking about me?"

Jenny, who remains a looker at 40, later apologised to Amanda and the latter did so, too. "Thanks! I'm sorry I offended you! You're beautiful! I was lying! I'll delete our tweets!"

3. Courtney Love - When Amanda was arrested, Courtney reached out to her by tweeting "Pull it together, dude." Amanda apparently thought she didn't need any unsolicited advise or support, at least not from someone like Courtney. So she tweeted "Courtney Love is the ugliest woman I've ever seen. To be mentioned by her at all makes me and all my friends laugh!"

4. Rihanna - Looks like it's a bad thing when Amanda gets bored because she'll diss it out even to random victims. And Rihana was that. Recently, Amanda tweeted that Chris Brown left the Barbadian singer because she's not pretty enough. To which Rihanna cooly replied: "Ya see what happens when they cancel Intervention?"

This got Amanda all the more heated up. She tweeted: "Unlike ur fugly faced self I don't do drugs! U need the intervention dog! I met ur ugly face in person! U aren't pretty u know it!"

So who's next on the list? Only Amanda knows.