Amanda Bynes
Actress Amanda Bynes arrives for a court hearing at Manhattan Criminal Court in New York July REUTERS/Lucas Jackson

Amanda Bynes is not backing down from reports of her engagement and marriage. While she is at odds by the fact that In Touch Weekly "quoted" her on getting married and wanting kids, she also said now that the marriage reports are true. She confirmed the rumors by saying that People magazine will have the exclusive on that joyous celebration once it happens.

Days ago, In Touch said that Amanda Bynes herself told the magazine that she's already engaged to 19-year old boyfriend Caleb. The tabloid claims that the actress allegedly shared her fiancé is working at a bait shop in California.

"I am very needy for friendship and I hate men. I want to f- them, but I can now say I'm engaged - get away from me," she reportedly told In Touch. "I want to be married and I want to be away from people."

She also reportedly followed this up by saying she wants to have kids. "I want boys, for sure. However, many I can pop out. I don't want a gorgeous girl around. Then I [would] feel way jealous. Ew," the actress reportedly shared to In Touch.

On Tuesday, Amanda Bynes took to Twitter to warn her followers to not believe the tabloids because they hate her for some "odd reason," and that they continue to insult her daily.

A day after, she started another rant fest on her Twitter, saying she's going to sue In Touch, along with other tabloids that are spreading lies about her. She even said she already got a lawyer to represent her. She said she never provided a quote to any magazine. With this, the news of her being engaged therefore looks incredible more than ever.

However, Amanda Bynes' twitter rant confirmed the very same "rumoUrs" that In Touch reported. Through her Twitter, she confirmed that the marriage would happen and she would give the exclusive rights to cover the event to People magazine, adding that she and her boyfriend would be on the cover of the said tabloid.

The actress shared that she has no problem trusting the magazine because although they once lied about her too, "they will omit any error they've made." What she meant by that phrase is unclear.

In Touch magazine defended their piece on Amanda Bynes by providing a picture of her talking with one of their reporters, fully aware and engaged.