Another outburst of drama on Amanda Bynes' Twitter account. After threatening legal action against every celebrity gossip and news outlet reporting a "fake story" about her, she then fired off this eye-popping tweet:"Not having hair makes me feel like a cancer patient."

Tweet go viral within no time, offense to be taken and Amanda to come clean - with a dim-witted justification.

"Oh my God, let me just be the first to say: I can completely see how offense was taken. I truly apologize for the miscommunication and any and all resulting discomfort or anger."

"I'm not a wretched person with zero sense of perspective or respect for fellow human beings; rather, the actual explanation of my statement is something far more banal."

"No, Arendtites, not 'banal' as in 'the banality of evil' - banal as in, this was a very stupid grammatical error. What I intended to say was 'not having hair makes me feel like a cancer: patient.'"

"That is, waiting for my hair to grow has made me a more patient person - a trait, in the astrological community, typically associated with those born under the Cancer sign."

'I'm actually an Aries (traditional traits: determinedness, ambitiousness, impulsiveness, and, I can now say, inexcusably poor grasp of punctuation.)"

"Not having your forgiveness makes me feel like I should have Aids."

"Christ, I've done it again. I meant: not having your forgiveness makes me feel like I should have aides, lower-case and with an 'e.'"

"Aides because I'm clearly in something of a public-relations quagmire. Please accept my second apology."

Spiteful tweets have been her kind of thing since she first asked Drake to murder her vagina and started compiling the Amanda Bynes ugly list. She confessed, she Tweets first and thinks about it later. Is it possible this was merely a publicity stunt?

Then again, unlike trying to get in Lindsay Lohan's pants, trying to get inside Amanda Bynes' mind and figure out what's going on is next to impossible........keep guessing ?