As an "educated multi-millionaire," Amanda Bynes can sue just about anyone, as she had threatened in the past. This time, however, it appears that she has real cause. She says she is going to sue the New York Police Department for illegally entering her apartment among other things.

Last week, Amanda was arrested and kept overnight in a mental hospital after her neighbours complained that she smoked marijuana in the apartment complex lobby. When police came to her apartment, they reported that she threw a bong out her window, but Amanda claimed that she was only opening the window for "fresh air."

In a lengthy Twitter post, the 27-year-old former child comedienne ranted on her alleged wrongful arrest and imprisonment, announced that she's suing the NYPD and her apartment complex, and revealed her plans of starting a rap career.

She was released on a $1,000 bail following a hearing. She was charged with reckless endangerment, attempted tampering of evidence, and unlawful possession of marijuana.

She didn't mention suing the arresting officer for sexual assault in her tweet, though.

Here's her tweet in its full glory:

"For once and for all, this is the last thing I'll say about the mistaken arrest. I'm suing NYPD for illegally entering my apartment, lying about drugs on me and lying about me tampering with non existent drug paraphernalia, then I'm suing for being put into a mental hospital against my will, then locked up overnight for coming home after a facial and working out with my trainer like the good girl that I am.

"I am allergic to alcohol and drugs and don't partake in any of the above. I'm so offended by all of this but so proud to not be a drug or alcohol user. I don't need to talk about this anymore. My lawyer and I are taking this offence so seriously! Everything they did was against the law and The judge saw that there was no drugs on me or proof of any type of bong or mental illness (I was so offended to even be taken to a mental hospital and they would not let me call my lawyer until the next day after being in jail all night, then I went to court and was immediately released because the judge saw that I was wrongly arrested. The cops found no proof of any type of drug use or evidence of drug paraphernalia such as a bong in or around my apartment)

"I'm also suing my apartment complex for lying about me smoking in my building. I'm free forever! You can't lock up an innocent person! Thanks for caring! Look forward to seeing me in music videos! I'm getting in shape and getting a nose job! I'm looking forward to a long and wonderful career as a singer/rapper!"

Also, in a separate Twitter post, she denied that she posted malicious tweets against Rihanna, claiming that people "mock up" fake tweets. She was also certain that she will be in a music video with the Grammy winner someday.