"American Horror Story-Coven" will return with episode 10, "The Magical Delights of Stevie Nicks," on January 08, 2014. In episode 9, "Head," Marie accepted Fiona's alliance offer after Henry caused a bloody mayhem at her salon.

According to the detailed synopsis of the new episode, the truce between Fiona and Marie will not be a smooth one, as Marie's dark master, Papa Legba, will demand his annual due. Fiona will forgive Marie, but won't be extending the same forgiveness to her daughter.

Fiona will be mad at Cordelia for marrying Hank, the witch hunter, and turning against her own mother because of him. They will know the identity of the man behind the attack on witches -- Henry's father, Harrison. A spell will be cast to make Harrison's organisation lose money and thus weaken the adversary.

The episode 10 of "American Horror Story-Coven" will also deal with the outing of Misty as the next Supreme. Fiona will try to bribe Misty to accept being the next Supreme. Fiona will invite Stevie Nicks, which is her "ruse to get the true Supreme to reveal herself because she needs to stay alive, according to Ryan Murphy, co-creator of "American Horror Story-Coven."

Except Madison, all the girls will be happy to see Stevie Nicks. Madison will be upset that Misty is going to become the next Supreme. In her jealous rage, Madison is likely to go to extreme lengths.

Suffering from terminal cancer, Fiona will become even more ill. She will ask Marie to share with her the secret of her external youth. Marie shares that secret but at a terrible price. Also, the Axeman returns in this episode. The synopsis says: "as Fiona brings the Axeman a proposition and learns a startling truth about herself."

In "Head," Joan killed her son, Luke, after he questioned her why she killed his father. Nan is going to confront Joan about Luke's death as her powers grow.

Also, "Marie and Fiona make a terrible deal - a deal involving a most unexpected betrayal," according to the synopsis.

About whether Queenie is alive or dead, Murphy said to Entertainment Weekly: "Everyone wants to know that and I'm not saying but we do talk about what happens to her body in episode 10 so keep watching."